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下面给大家带来python实现植物大战僵尸的的源码分享,只含有冒险模式python 安装后怎么用。

游戏截图动态演示源码分享 state/tool.pystate/constants.pystate/main.py主执行文件main.py








import osimport jsonfrom abc import abstractmethodimport pygame as pgfrom . import constants as cclass State():    def __init__(self):        self.start_time = 0.0        self.current_time = 0.0        self.done = False        self.next = None        self.persist = {}        @abstractmethod    def startup(self, current_time, persist):        '''abstract method'''    def cleanup(self):        self.done = False        return self.persist        @abstractmethod    def update(self, surface, keys, current_time):        '''abstract method'''class Control():    def __init__(self):        self.screen = pg.display.get_surface()        self.done = False        self.clock = pg.time.Clock()        self.fps = 60        self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed()        self.mouse_pos = None        self.mouse_click = [False, False]  # value:[left mouse click, right mouse click]        self.current_time = 0.0        self.state_dict = {}        self.state_name = None        self.state = None        self.game_info = {c.CURRENT_TIME:0.0,                          c.LEVEL_NUM:c.START_LEVEL_NUM}     def setup_states(self, state_dict, start_state):        self.state_dict = state_dict        self.state_name = start_state        self.state = self.state_dict[self.state_name]        self.state.startup(self.current_time, self.game_info)    def update(self):        self.current_time = pg.time.get_ticks()        if self.state.done:            self.flip_state()        self.state.update(self.screen, self.current_time, self.mouse_pos, self.mouse_click)        self.mouse_pos = None        self.mouse_click[0] = False        self.mouse_click[1] = False    def flip_state(self):        previous, self.state_name = self.state_name, self.state.next        persist = self.state.cleanup()        self.state = self.state_dict[self.state_name]        self.state.startup(self.current_time, persist)    def event_loop(self):        for event in pg.event.get():            if event.type == pg.QUIT:                self.done = True            elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:                self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed()            elif event.type == pg.KEYUP:                self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed()            elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:                self.mouse_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()                self.mouse_click[0], _, self.mouse_click[1] = pg.mouse.get_pressed()                print('pos:', self.mouse_pos, ' mouse:', self.mouse_click)    def main(self):        while not self.done:            self.event_loop()            self.update()            pg.display.update()            self.clock.tick(self.fps)        print('game over')def get_image(sheet, x, y, width, height, colorkey=c.BLACK, scale=1):        image = pg.Surface([width, height])        rect = image.get_rect()        image.blit(sheet, (0, 0), (x, y, width, height))        image.set_colorkey(colorkey)        image = pg.transform.scale(image,                                   (int(rect.width*scale),                                    int(rect.height*scale)))        return imagedef load_image_frames(directory, image_name, colorkey, accept):    frame_list = []    tmp = {}    # image_name is "Peashooter", pic name is 'Peashooter_1', get the index 1    index_start = len(image_name) + 1     frame_num = 0;    for pic in os.listdir(directory):        name, ext = os.path.splitext(pic)        if ext.lower() in accept:            index = int(name[index_start:])            img = pg.image.load(os.path.join(directory, pic))            if img.get_alpha():                img = img.convert_alpha()            else:                img = img.convert()                img.set_colorkey(colorkey)            tmp[index]= img            frame_num += 1    for i in range(frame_num):        frame_list.append(tmp[i])    return frame_listdef load_all_gfx(directory, colorkey=c.WHITE, accept=('.png', '.jpg', '.bmp', '.gif')):    graphics = {}    for name1 in os.listdir(directory):        # subfolders under the folder resources\graphics        dir1 = os.path.join(directory, name1)        if os.path.isdir(dir1):            for name2 in os.listdir(dir1):                dir2 = os.path.join(dir1, name2)                if os.path.isdir(dir2):                # e.g. subfolders under the folder resources\graphics\Zombies                    for name3 in os.listdir(dir2):                        dir3 = os.path.join(dir2, name3)                        # e.g. subfolders or pics under the folder resources\graphics\Zombies\ConeheadZombie                        if os.path.isdir(dir3):                            # e.g. it's the folder resources\graphics\Zombies\ConeheadZombie\ConeheadZombieAttack                            image_name, _ = os.path.splitext(name3)                            graphics[image_name] = load_image_frames(dir3, image_name, colorkey, accept)                        else:                            # e.g. pics under the folder resources\graphics\Plants\Peashooter                            image_name, _ = os.path.splitext(name2)                            graphics[image_name] = load_image_frames(dir2, image_name, colorkey, accept)                            break                else:                # e.g. pics under the folder resources\graphics\Screen                    name, ext = os.path.splitext(name2)                    if ext.lower() in accept:                        img = pg.image.load(dir2)                        if img.get_alpha():                            img = img.convert_alpha()                        else:                            img = img.convert()                            img.set_colorkey(colorkey)                        graphics[name] = img    return graphicsdef loadZombieImageRect():    file_path = os.path.join('source', 'data', 'entity', 'zombie.json')    f = open(file_path)    data = json.load(f)    f.close()    return data[c.ZOMBIE_IMAGE_RECT]def loadPlantImageRect():    file_path = os.path.join('source', 'data', 'entity', 'plant.json')    f = open(file_path)    data = json.load(f)    f.close()    return data[c.PLANT_IMAGE_RECT]pg.init()pg.display.set_caption(c.ORIGINAL_CAPTION)SCREEN = pg.display.set_mode(c.SCREEN_SIZE)GFX = load_all_gfx(os.path.join("resources","graphics"))ZOMBIE_RECT = loadZombieImageRect()PLANT_RECT = loadPlantImageRect()


START_LEVEL_NUM = 1ORIGINAL_CAPTION = 'Plant VS Zombies Game'SCREEN_WIDTH = 800SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600SCREEN_SIZE = (SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)GRID_X_LEN = 9GRID_Y_LEN = 5GRID_X_SIZE = 80GRID_Y_SIZE = 100WHITE        = (255, 255, 255)NAVYBLUE     = ( 60,  60, 100)SKY_BLUE     = ( 39, 145, 251)BLACK        = (  0,   0,   0)LIGHTYELLOW  = (234, 233, 171)RED          = (255,   0,   0)PURPLE       = (255,   0, 255)GOLD         = (255, 215,   0)GREEN        = (  0, 255,   0)SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 1.3#GAME INFO DICTIONARY KEYSCURRENT_TIME = 'current time'LEVEL_NUM = 'level num'#STATES FOR ENTIRE GAMEMAIN_MENU = 'main menu'LOAD_SCREEN = 'load screen'GAME_LOSE = 'game los'GAME_VICTORY = 'game victory'LEVEL = 'level'MAIN_MENU_IMAGE = 'MainMenu'OPTION_ADVENTURE = 'Adventure'GAME_LOOSE_IMAGE = 'GameLoose'GAME_VICTORY_IMAGE = 'GameVictory'#MAP COMPONENTSBACKGROUND_NAME = 'Background'BACKGROUND_TYPE = 'background_type'INIT_SUN_NAME = 'init_sun_value'ZOMBIE_LIST = 'zombie_list'MAP_EMPTY = 0MAP_EXIST = 1BACKGROUND_OFFSET_X = 220MAP_OFFSET_X = 35MAP_OFFSET_Y = 100#MENUBARCHOOSEBAR_TYPE = 'choosebar_type'CHOOSEBAR_STATIC = 0CHOOSEBAR_MOVE = 1CHOSSEBAR_BOWLING = 2MENUBAR_BACKGROUND = 'ChooserBackground'MOVEBAR_BACKGROUND = 'MoveBackground'PANEL_BACKGROUND = 'PanelBackground'START_BUTTON = 'StartButton'CARD_POOL = 'card_pool'MOVEBAR_CARD_FRESH_TIME = 6000CARD_MOVE_TIME = 60#PLANT INFOPLANT_IMAGE_RECT = 'plant_image_rect'CAR = 'car'SUN = 'Sun'SUNFLOWER = 'SunFlower'PEASHOOTER = 'Peashooter'SNOWPEASHOOTER = 'SnowPea'WALLNUT = 'WallNut'CHERRYBOMB = 'CherryBomb'THREEPEASHOOTER = 'Threepeater'REPEATERPEA = 'RepeaterPea'CHOMPER = 'Chomper'CHERRY_BOOM_IMAGE = 'Boom'PUFFSHROOM = 'PuffShroom'POTATOMINE = 'PotatoMine'SQUASH = 'Squash'SPIKEWEED = 'Spikeweed'JALAPENO = 'Jalapeno'SCAREDYSHROOM = 'ScaredyShroom'SUNSHROOM = 'SunShroom'ICESHROOM = 'IceShroom'HYPNOSHROOM = 'HypnoShroom'WALLNUTBOWLING = 'WallNutBowling'REDWALLNUTBOWLING = 'RedWallNutBowling'PLANT_HEALTH = 5WALLNUT_HEALTH = 30WALLNUT_CRACKED1_HEALTH = 20WALLNUT_CRACKED2_HEALTH = 10WALLNUT_BOWLING_DAMAGE = 10PRODUCE_SUN_INTERVAL = 7000FLOWER_SUN_INTERVAL = 22000SUN_LIVE_TIME = 7000SUN_VALUE = 25ICE_SLOW_TIME = 2000FREEZE_TIME = 7500ICETRAP = 'IceTrap'#PLANT CARD INFOCARD_SUNFLOWER = 'card_sunflower'CARD_PEASHOOTER = 'card_peashooter'CARD_SNOWPEASHOOTER = 'card_snowpea'CARD_WALLNUT = 'card_wallnut'CARD_CHERRYBOMB = 'card_cherrybomb'CARD_THREEPEASHOOTER = 'card_threepeashooter'CARD_REPEATERPEA = 'card_repeaterpea'CARD_CHOMPER = 'card_chomper'CARD_PUFFSHROOM = 'card_puffshroom'CARD_POTATOMINE = 'card_potatomine'CARD_SQUASH = 'card_squash'CARD_SPIKEWEED = 'card_spikeweed'CARD_JALAPENO = 'card_jalapeno'CARD_SCAREDYSHROOM = 'card_scaredyshroom'CARD_SUNSHROOM = 'card_sunshroom'CARD_ICESHROOM = 'card_iceshroom'CARD_HYPNOSHROOM = 'card_hypnoshroom'CARD_REDWALLNUT = 'card_redwallnut'#BULLET INFOBULLET_PEA = 'PeaNormal'BULLET_PEA_ICE = 'PeaIce'BULLET_MUSHROOM = 'BulletMushRoom'BULLET_DAMAGE_NORMAL = 1#ZOMBIE INFOZOMBIE_IMAGE_RECT = 'zombie_image_rect'ZOMBIE_HEAD = 'ZombieHead'NORMAL_ZOMBIE = 'Zombie'CONEHEAD_ZOMBIE = 'ConeheadZombie'BUCKETHEAD_ZOMBIE = 'BucketheadZombie'FLAG_ZOMBIE = 'FlagZombie'NEWSPAPER_ZOMBIE = 'NewspaperZombie'BOOMDIE = 'BoomDie'LOSTHEAD_HEALTH = 5NORMAL_HEALTH = 10FLAG_HEALTH = 15CONEHEAD_HEALTH = 20BUCKETHEAD_HEALTH = 30NEWSPAPER_HEALTH = 15ATTACK_INTERVAL = 1000ZOMBIE_WALK_INTERVAL = 70ZOMBIE_START_X = SCREEN_WIDTH + 50#STATEIDLE = 'idle'FLY = 'fly'EXPLODE = 'explode'ATTACK = 'attack'ATTACKED = 'attacked'DIGEST = 'digest'WALK = 'walk'DIE = 'die'CRY = 'cry'FREEZE = 'freeze'SLEEP = 'sleep'#LEVEL STATECHOOSE = 'choose'PLAY = 'play'#BACKGROUNDBACKGROUND_DAY = 0BACKGROUND_NIGHT = 1


from . import toolfrom . import constants as cfrom .state import mainmenu, screen, leveldef main():    game = tool.Control()    state_dict = {c.MAIN_MENU: mainmenu.Menu(),                  c.GAME_VICTORY: screen.GameVictoryScreen(),                  c.GAME_LOSE: screen.GameLoseScreen(),                  c.LEVEL: level.Level()}    game.setup_states(state_dict, c.MAIN_MENU)    game.main()


import pygame as pgfrom source.main import mainif __name__=='__main__':    main()    pg.quit()




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