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<script src="./hk/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script><script src="./hk/jsPlugin-1.0.0.min.js"></script><script id="videonode" src="./hk/webVideoCtrl.js"></script>


<template>    <div class="point panel" id="leftBot" style="position: relative;">        <p style="color: aqua;" id="monitor">一监控</p>        <div id="divPlugin" class="plugin"></div>    </div></template><script>import lef from './leftBot1.vue';export default {    components: {        lef    },    data() {        return {            camera152: {                szIP: '',     //IP地址                szPort: '81',               //端口号                szUsername: 'admin',        //用户名                szPassword: 'xgjc1243..',   //管理员密码            },            camera153: {                szIP: '',     //IP地址                szPort: '80',               //端口号                szUsername: 'admin',        //用户名                szPassword: 'xgjc1243..',   //管理员密码            },        };    },    mounted() {        // this.initS();    },    methods: {        // 销毁插件  解决窗口在其他页面显示可以在切换页面时销毁  回到当前页时重新加载        destruction() {            WebVideoCtrl.I_DestroyPlugin();            console.log("播放窗口插件销毁")        },        initS() {            let that = this;            // 初始化插件参数及插入插件152            WebVideoCtrl.I_InitPlugin({                bWndFull: true,     //是否支持单窗口双击全屏,默认支持 true:支持 false:不支持                iWndowType: 2,                cbSelWnd: function (xmlDoc) {//此属性是窗口分割切换窗口时触发                    // that.clickStartRealPlay153();                    // console.log("当前选择的窗口编号是1");                },                cbInitPluginComplete: function () {                    WebVideoCtrl.I_InsertOBJECTPlugin("divPlugin").then(() => {                        // 检查插件是否最新                        WebVideoCtrl.I_CheckPluginVersion().then((bFlag) => {                            if (bFlag) {                                console.log("152检测到新的插件版本,双击开发包目录里的HCWebSDKPlugin.exe升级!");                            }                        });                    }, () => {                        console.log("152插件初始化失败,请确认是否已安装插件;如果未安装,请双击开发包目录里的HCWebSDKPlugin.exe安装!");                    });                },            });            setTimeout(() => {                // 对窗口大小重新规划                WebVideoCtrl.I_Resize((window.innerWidth - document.getElementById("leftBot").offsetLeft) * 2 - 30, document.getElementById("leftBot").clientHeight - document.getElementById('monitor').clientHeight - 15);                this.clickLogin();                this.clickLogin153();            }, 2000)        },        // 登录        clickLogin() {            let that = this;            var szIP = this.camera152.szIP,                szPort = this.camera152.szPort,                szUsername = this.camera152.szUsername,                szPassword = this.camera152.szPassword;            setTimeout(() => {                WebVideoCtrl.I_Login(szIP, 1, szPort, szUsername, szPassword, {                    success: function (xmlDoc) {                        console.log("152登录成功");                        that.getDevicePort();                    },                    error: function (err) {                        console.log(err, "152");                    }                });            })        },        // 获取端口        getDevicePort() {            var szDeviceIdentify = this.camera152.szIP;            if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {                return;            }            WebVideoCtrl.I_GetDevicePort(szDeviceIdentify).then((oPort) => {                this.getChannelInfo();                console.log("152获取端口");            });        },        // 获取通道        getChannelInfo() {            let that = this;            var szDeviceIdentify = this.camera152.szIP;            if (null == szDeviceIdentify) {                return;            }            // 模拟通道            WebVideoCtrl.I_GetAnalogChannelInfo(szDeviceIdentify, {                success: function (xmlDoc) {                    that.clickStartRealPlay();                    console.log("152模拟通道");                },            });        },        // 开始预览        clickStartRealPlay(iStreamType) {            // WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(this.g_iWndIndex);            var szDeviceIdentify = this.camera152.szIP,                iChannelID = 1,                bZeroChannel = false;            if ("undefined" === typeof iStreamType) {                iStreamType = 1;            }            var startRealPlay = function () {                WebVideoCtrl.I_StartRealPlay(szDeviceIdentify, {                    iStreamType: iStreamType,                    iChannelID: iChannelID,                    bZeroChannel: bZeroChannel,                    success: function () {                        console.log("152开始预览成功!")                    },                    error: function (oError) {                        console.log("152开始预览失败!")                    }                });            };            startRealPlay();            // startRealPlay153();        },        // 停止预览        clickStopRealPlay() {            WebVideoCtrl.I_Stop({                success: function () {                    console.log("停止预览成功!")                },                error: function (oError) {                    console.log(" 停止预览失败!")                }            });        },        /**         * 第二个摄像头         */        // 登录        clickLogin153() {            let that = this;            var szIP153 = this.camera153.szIP,                szPort153 = this.camera153.szPort,                szUsername153 = this.camera153.szUsername,                szPassword153 = this.camera153.szPassword;            setTimeout(() => {                WebVideoCtrl.I_Login(szIP153, 1, szPort153, szUsername153, szPassword153, {                    success: function (xmlDoc) {                        console.log("153登录成功");                        that.getDevicePort153();                    },                    error: function (err) {                        console.log(err, "155");                    }                });            })        },        // 获取端口        getDevicePort153() {            var szDeviceIdentify153 = this.camera153.szIP;            if (null == szDeviceIdentify153) {                return;            }            WebVideoCtrl.I_GetDevicePort(szDeviceIdentify153).then((oPort) => {                this.getChannelInfo153();                console.log("153获取端口");            });        },        // 获取通道        getChannelInfo153() {            let that = this;            var szDeviceIdentify153 = this.camera153.szIP;            if (null == szDeviceIdentify153) {                return;            }            // 模拟通道            WebVideoCtrl.I_GetAnalogChannelInfo(szDeviceIdentify153, {                success: function (xmlDoc) {                    console.log("153模拟通道");                },            });        },        // 开始预览        clickStartRealPlay153(iStreamType) {            var iChannelID = 1,                bZeroChannel = false;            var szDeviceIdentify153 = this.camera153.szIP;            if ("undefined" === typeof iStreamType) {                iStreamType = 1;            }            var startRealPlay153 = function () {                WebVideoCtrl.I_StartRealPlay(szDeviceIdentify153, {                    iStreamType: iStreamType,                    iChannelID: iChannelID,                    bZeroChannel: bZeroChannel,                    iWndIndex: 2,//选择在哪个窗口进行预览                    success: function () {                        console.log("153开始预览成功!")                    },                    error: function (oError) {                        console.log("153开始预览失败!")                    }                });            };            startRealPlay153();        },    },};</script><style scoped lang="less">.point {    height: 100%;    text-align: center;    .plugin {        height: 90% !important;        width: 100% !important;        margin-top: 10px;    }}.img {    width: 2rem;    position: absolute;    right: 0;}.imgs {    margin: .5rem auto;    display: block;}</style>

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