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python 五子棋小游戏

14 人参与  2024年11月07日 11:23  分类 : 《关于电脑》  评论


1. 实现效果


2. 游戏规则


Ⅰ 默认规则 - 五子棋规则


Ⅱ 设定规则


Ⅲ 其他规则

高亮规则:动态高亮显示最新落子,便于观察程序上一步落在何处。防守机制:检查对方是否可以形成三子或四子获胜后不要退出窗口,而是停留,不然不知道怎么输的?细节:1. 棋盘格外围边框加粗且为深色,棋盘格框线变细,高亮框线变细 2.一旦有一方赢就无法再落子了(主要是白子会在黑子赢了之后还落子) 3. 判平局 4. 棋子下在格线交叉点,而非格内。

3. 环境配置


import sysimport randomimport pygame

先安装 pygame,如果还没有安装,可以使用以下命令:

pip install pygame

4. 代码实现


# 常量定义BOARD_SIZE = 15 # 棋盘是15×15CELL_SIZE = 40 # 每个棋格的大小WIDTH = BOARD_SIZE * CELL_SIZE# 棋盘的大小 宽 = 15×40HEIGHT = BOARD_SIZE * CELL_SIZE # 棋盘高度BACKGROUND_COLOR = (250, 224, 161)  # 棋盘的背景色GRID_COLOR = (0, 0, 0)# 棋盘格线 调成(200, 200, 200)会很好看HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = (255, 182, 193) # 高亮颜色, 粉色BORDER_COLOR = (139, 69, 19)  # 棋盘外围边框颜色# 棋盘状态EMPTY = 0 # 未落子BLACK = 1 # 落黑子WHITE = 2 # 落白子



def draw_board(screen, board, last_move):    screen.fill(BACKGROUND_COLOR)    for x in range(BOARD_SIZE):        for y in range(BOARD_SIZE):            rect = pygame.Rect(x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE)            pygame.draw.rect(screen, GRID_COLOR, rect, 1)            if board[x][y] == BLACK:                pygame.draw.circle(screen, (0, 0, 0), rect.center, CELL_SIZE // 2 - 5)            elif board[x][y] == WHITE:                pygame.draw.circle(screen, (255, 255, 255), rect.center, CELL_SIZE // 2 - 5)    if last_move:        # row, col = latest_move        # 方形高亮 棋格        highlight_rect = pygame.Rect(last_move[0] * CELL_SIZE, last_move[1] * CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE)        pygame.draw.rect(screen, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, highlight_rect, 2)        # 圆形高亮 棋子        highlight_center = (last_move[0] * CELL_SIZE + CELL_SIZE // 2, last_move[1] * CELL_SIZE + CELL_SIZE // 2)        highlight_radius = CELL_SIZE // 2 - 5  # 与棋子相同的半径        pygame.draw.circle(screen, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, highlight_center, highlight_radius+1.5, 2)  # 用圆形高亮, 1.5是为了补偿高亮,高亮是2    pygame.draw.rect(screen, BORDER_COLOR, (0, 0, CELL_SIZE * BOARD_SIZE, CELL_SIZE * BOARD_SIZE), 5)# 绘制边框



def check_winner(board, player):    for x in range(BOARD_SIZE):        for y in range(BOARD_SIZE):            if board[x][y] == player:                # 检查水平方向                if x + 4 < BOARD_SIZE and all(board[x + i][y] == player for i in range(5)):                    return True                # 检查垂直方向                if y + 4 < BOARD_SIZE and all(board[x][y + i] == player for i in range(5)):                    return True                # 检查斜向(左上到右下)                if x + 4 < BOARD_SIZE and y + 4 < BOARD_SIZE and all(board[x + i][y + i] == player for i in range(5)):                    return True                # 检查斜向(右上到左下)                if x - 4 >= 0 and y + 4 < BOARD_SIZE and all(board[x - i][y + i] == player for i in range(5)):                    return True    return False



def get_random_move(board):    empty_cells = [(x, y) for x in range(BOARD_SIZE) for y in range(BOARD_SIZE) if board[x][y] == EMPTY]    return random.choice(empty_cells) if empty_cells else None



def check_threats(board, player):    three_in_a_row_positions = []    for x in range(BOARD_SIZE):        for y in range(BOARD_SIZE):            if board[x][y] == EMPTY:                board[x][y] = player  # 模拟落子                if check_winner(board, player):                    board[x][y] = EMPTY                    return [(x, y)]  # 直接获胜                # 检测是否出现三子的情况                if count_consecutive(board, x, y, player) == 3:                    three_in_a_row_positions.append((x, y))                board[x][y] = EMPTY    return three_in_a_row_positions    def get_defensive_move(board):    # 检查对方是否可以形成三子或四子    for position in check_threats(board, BLACK):        return position  # 返回防守位置    return Nonedef count_consecutive(board, x, y, player):    # 检查周围的棋子数量    count = 0    for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, -1), (1, 1), (-1, 1), (1, -1)]:        temp_count = 0        for step in range(1, 5):  # 只检测四个方向            nx, ny = x + dx * step, y + dy * step            if 0 <= nx < BOARD_SIZE and 0 <= ny < BOARD_SIZE and board[nx][ny] == player:                temp_count += 1            else:                break        count += temp_count    return count



def get_preferred_move(board):    preferred_moves = []    for x in range(BOARD_SIZE):        for y in range(BOARD_SIZE):            if board[x][y] == EMPTY:                # 优先选择靠近黑子的位置                for dx in [-1, 0, 1]:                    for dy in [-1, 0, 1]:                        nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy                        if 0 <= nx < BOARD_SIZE and 0 <= ny < BOARD_SIZE and board[nx][ny] == BLACK:                            preferred_moves.append((x, y))                            break    return random.choice(preferred_moves) if preferred_moves else get_random_move(board)


def main():    pygame.init()    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))    pygame.display.set_caption("五子棋")    game_over = False  # 游戏是否结束    board = [[EMPTY for _ in range(BOARD_SIZE)] for _ in range(BOARD_SIZE)]    last_move = None    while True:        for event in pygame.event.get():            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:                pygame.quit()                sys.exit()            if game_over:                continue  # 如果游戏结束,不处理任何落子            # 检查是否平局            if all(board[x][y] != EMPTY for x in range(BOARD_SIZE) for y in range(BOARD_SIZE)):                game_over = True                print("游戏平局!")            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:                x, y = event.pos                x //= CELL_SIZE                y //= CELL_SIZE                if 0 <= x < BOARD_SIZE and 0 <= y < BOARD_SIZE and board[x][y] == EMPTY:                    board[x][y] = BLACK                    last_move = (x, y)                    if check_winner(board, BLACK):                        game_over = True                        print("黑方获胜!")                        #pygame.quit()                        #sys.exit()                    # 白方落子                    if not game_over and not (all(board[x][y] != EMPTY for x in range(BOARD_SIZE) for y in range(BOARD_SIZE))):                        move = get_defensive_move(board)                        if move is None:  # 若没有可防守的位置,落子                            move = get_preferred_move(board)                        board[move[0]][move[1]] = WHITE                        last_move = move                        if check_winner(board, WHITE):                            game_over = True                            print("白方获胜!")                            # pygame.quit()                            # sys.exit()        draw_board(screen, board, last_move)        pygame.display.flip()    pygame.quit()


import pygameimport sysimport random# 常量定义BOARD_SIZE = 15CELL_SIZE = 40WIDTH = BOARD_SIZE * CELL_SIZEHEIGHT = BOARD_SIZE * CELL_SIZEBACKGROUND_COLOR = (250, 224, 161)GRID_COLOR = (245, 245, 220) #GRID_COLOR = (0, 0, 0)FADED_GRID_COLOR = (200, 200, 200)  #  使用一个更亮的颜色来模仿淡化效果 淡化的格线颜色 (220, 220, 220)HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = (255, 182, 193) # 粉色高亮颜色BORDER_COLOR = (139, 69, 19)  # 边框颜色# 棋盘状态EMPTY = 0BLACK = 1WHITE = 2def draw_board(screen, board, last_move):    screen.fill(BACKGROUND_COLOR)    for x in range(BOARD_SIZE):        for y in range(BOARD_SIZE):            rect = pygame.Rect(x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE)            pygame.draw.rect(screen, GRID_COLOR, rect, 1)            # 在每个格子内绘制2份纵横线            for i in range(1, 2):                # 横线                pygame.draw.line(screen, FADED_GRID_COLOR, (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE + i * (CELL_SIZE // 2)),                                 (x * CELL_SIZE + CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE + i * (CELL_SIZE // 2)), 1)                # 竖线                pygame.draw.line(screen, FADED_GRID_COLOR, (x * CELL_SIZE + i * (CELL_SIZE // 2), y * CELL_SIZE),                                 (x * CELL_SIZE + i * (CELL_SIZE // 2), y * CELL_SIZE + CELL_SIZE), 1)                # 绘制交叉点                pygame.draw.circle(screen, (0, 0, 0), (x * CELL_SIZE + CELL_SIZE - CELL_SIZE/2, y * CELL_SIZE + CELL_SIZE - CELL_SIZE/2), 2)  # 使用半径为2的圆点            if board[x][y] == BLACK:                pygame.draw.circle(screen, (0, 0, 0), rect.center, CELL_SIZE // 2 - 5)            elif board[x][y] == WHITE:                pygame.draw.circle(screen, (255, 255, 255), rect.center, CELL_SIZE // 2 - 5)    if last_move:        # row, col = latest_move        # 方形高亮 棋格        highlight_rect = pygame.Rect(last_move[0] * CELL_SIZE, last_move[1] * CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE)        pygame.draw.rect(screen, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, highlight_rect, 2)        # 圆形高亮 棋子        highlight_center = (last_move[0] * CELL_SIZE + CELL_SIZE // 2, last_move[1] * CELL_SIZE + CELL_SIZE // 2)        highlight_radius = CELL_SIZE // 2 - 5  # 与棋子相同的半径        pygame.draw.circle(screen, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, highlight_center, highlight_radius+1.5, 2)  # 用圆形高亮, 1.5是为了补偿高亮,高亮是2    pygame.draw.rect(screen, BORDER_COLOR, (0, 0, CELL_SIZE * BOARD_SIZE, CELL_SIZE * BOARD_SIZE), 5)# 绘制边框def check_winner(board, player):    for x in range(BOARD_SIZE):        for y in range(BOARD_SIZE):            if board[x][y] == player:                # 检查水平方向                if x + 4 < BOARD_SIZE and all(board[x + i][y] == player for i in range(5)):                    return True                # 检查垂直方向                if y + 4 < BOARD_SIZE and all(board[x][y + i] == player for i in range(5)):                    return True                # 检查斜向(左上到右下)                if x + 4 < BOARD_SIZE and y + 4 < BOARD_SIZE and all(board[x + i][y + i] == player for i in range(5)):                    return True                # 检查斜向(右上到左下)                if x - 4 >= 0 and y + 4 < BOARD_SIZE and all(board[x - i][y + i] == player for i in range(5)):                    return True    return Falsedef check_threats(board, player):    three_in_a_row_positions = []    for x in range(BOARD_SIZE):        for y in range(BOARD_SIZE):            if board[x][y] == EMPTY:                board[x][y] = player  # 模拟落子                if check_winner(board, player):                    board[x][y] = EMPTY                    return [(x, y)]  # 直接获胜                # 检测是否出现三子的情况                if count_consecutive(board, x, y, player) == 3:                    three_in_a_row_positions.append((x, y))                board[x][y] = EMPTY    return three_in_a_row_positionsdef count_consecutive(board, x, y, player):    # 检查周围的棋子数量    count = 0    for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, -1), (1, 1), (-1, 1), (1, -1)]:        temp_count = 0        for step in range(1, 5):  # 只检测四个方向            nx, ny = x + dx * step, y + dy * step            if 0 <= nx < BOARD_SIZE and 0 <= ny < BOARD_SIZE and board[nx][ny] == player:                temp_count += 1            else:                break        count += temp_count    return countdef get_defensive_move(board):    # 检查对方是否可以形成三子或四子    for position in check_threats(board, BLACK):        return position  # 返回防守位置    return Nonedef get_random_move(board):    empty_cells = [(x, y) for x in range(BOARD_SIZE) for y in range(BOARD_SIZE) if board[x][y] == EMPTY]    return random.choice(empty_cells) if empty_cells else Nonedef get_preferred_move(board):    preferred_moves = []    for x in range(BOARD_SIZE):        for y in range(BOARD_SIZE):            if board[x][y] == EMPTY:                # 优先选择靠近黑子的位置                for dx in [-1, 0, 1]:                    for dy in [-1, 0, 1]:                        nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy                        if 0 <= nx < BOARD_SIZE and 0 <= ny < BOARD_SIZE and board[nx][ny] == BLACK:                            preferred_moves.append((x, y))                            break    return random.choice(preferred_moves) if preferred_moves else get_random_move(board)def main():    pygame.init()    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))    pygame.display.set_caption("五子棋")    game_over = False  # 游戏是否结束    board = [[EMPTY for _ in range(BOARD_SIZE)] for _ in range(BOARD_SIZE)]    last_move = None    while True:        for event in pygame.event.get():            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:                pygame.quit()                sys.exit()            if game_over:                continue  # 如果游戏结束,不处理任何落子            # 检查是否平局            if all(board[x][y] != EMPTY for x in range(BOARD_SIZE) for y in range(BOARD_SIZE)):                game_over = True                print("游戏平局!")            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:                x, y = event.pos                x //= CELL_SIZE                y //= CELL_SIZE                if 0 <= x < BOARD_SIZE and 0 <= y < BOARD_SIZE and board[x][y] == EMPTY:                    board[x][y] = BLACK                    last_move = (x, y)                    if check_winner(board, BLACK):                        game_over = True                        print("黑方获胜!")                        #pygame.quit()                        #sys.exit()                    # 白方落子                    if not game_over and not (all(board[x][y] != EMPTY for x in range(BOARD_SIZE) for y in range(BOARD_SIZE))):                        move = get_defensive_move(board)                        if move is None:  # 若没有可防守的位置,落子                            move = get_preferred_move(board)                        board[move[0]][move[1]] = WHITE                        last_move = move                        if check_winner(board, WHITE):                            game_over = True                            print("白方获胜!")                            # pygame.quit()                            # sys.exit()        draw_board(screen, board, last_move)        pygame.display.flip()    pygame.quit()if __name__ == "__main__":    main()



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