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Python Matplotlib初阶使用入门_chenxy_bwave的专栏

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0. 前言

1. 创建Figure的两种基本方法

1.1 第1种方法

1.2 第2种方法

2. Figure的解剖图及各种基本概念

2.1 Figure

2.2 Axes

2.3 Axis

2.4 Artist

3. 绘图函数的输入

4. 面向对象接口与pyplot接口

5. 绘图复用实用函数例

0. 前言

        本文介绍Python Matplotlib库的入门求生级使用方法。

        为了方便以下举例说明,我们先导入需要的几个库。以下代码在Jupyter Notebook中运行。

%matplotlib inline     
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

1. 创建Figure的两种基本方法

1.1 第1种方法

        注意,Figure在Matplotlib中是一个专有名词(后面会有解释),Matplotlib把你的数据以图的形式绘制在Figure(比如说,windows, Jupyter widgets, etc.)中。创建一个Figure的基本方式之一就是使用pyplot.subplots. 

fig, ax = plt.subplots()  # Create a figure containing a single axes.
x    = np.arange(100)
Fs   = 100  # 100Hz sampling rate
Fsin = 2    # 2Hz 
y = np.sin(2*np.pi*Fsin*(1/Fs)*x)
ax.plot(x, y)  # Plot some data on the axes.


1.2 第2种方法


        plot([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 4, 2, 3])  % MATLAB plot.


plt.plot(x, y)  # Call plt.plot() directly


2. Figure的解剖图及各种基本概念


2.1 Figure

        The whole figure.整幅画或整个图。Figure保持其中所有的child axes的信息,以及一些特殊的artists (titles, figure legends, etc)(这里artist又是很难翻译的一个词,指的是标题、图例等图的说明性信息对象),以及画布(canvas)。


fig, ax = plt.subplots()  # a figure with a single Axes
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2)  # a figure with a 2x2 grid of Axes
fig = plt.figure()  # an empty figure with no Axes

2.2 Axes

        set_xlabel(),set_ylabel(): 分别用于设置x轴和y轴的标签


2.3 Axis


2.4 Artist

        Basically, everything you can see on the figure is an artist (even the Figure, Axes, and Axis objects). This includes Text objects, Line2D objects, collections objects, Patch objects ... (you get the idea). When the figure is rendered, all of the artists are drawn to the canvas. Most Artists are tied to an Axes; such an Artist cannot be shared by multiple Axes, or moved from one to another.


3. 绘图函数的输入

        所有的绘图函数都接受numpy.array or numpy.ma.masked_array作为输入。

# For example, to convert a pandas.DataFrame
a = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(4, 5), columns = list('abcde'))
a_asarray = a.values

# and to convert a numpy.matrix
b = np.matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
b_asarray = np.asarray(b)

4. 面向对象接口与pyplot接口


        (1) 显式地创建Figure和axes,然后调用方法作用于它们,这个称之为面向对象风格。

        (2) 直接调用pyplot进行绘图,这个姑且称之为快捷风格吧


x = np.linspace(0, 2, 100)

# Note that even in the OO-style, we use `.pyplot.figure` to create the figure.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()  # Create a figure and an axes.
ax.plot(x, x, label='linear')  # Plot some data on the axes.
ax.plot(x, x**2, label='quadratic')  # Plot more data on the axes...
ax.plot(x, x**3, label='cubic')  # ... and some more.
ax.set_xlabel('x label')  # Add an x-label to the axes.
ax.set_ylabel('y label')  # Add a y-label to the axes.
ax.set_title("Simple Plot")  # Add a title to the axes.
ax.legend()  # Add a legend.


x = np.linspace(0, 2, 100)

plt.plot(x, x, label='linear')  # Plot some data on the (implicit) axes.
plt.plot(x, x**2, label='quadratic')  # etc.
plt.plot(x, x**3, label='cubic')
plt.xlabel('x label')
plt.ylabel('y label')
plt.title("Simple Plot")




        面向对象风格和pyplot风格功能相同同样好用,你可以选择使用任何一种风格。但是最好选定其中一种使用,不要昏庸。一般来说,建议仅在交互式绘图(比如说在Jupyter notebook)中使用pyplot风格,而在面向非交互式绘图中则推荐使用面向对象风格。

        注意,在一些比较老的代码例中,你还可以看到使用pylab接口。但是现在不建议这样用了(This approach is strongly discouraged nowadays and deprecated)。这里提一嘴只是因为偶尔你还可能看到它,但是,在新的代码不要用就好了。

5. 绘图复用实用函数例


def my_plotter(ax, data1, data2, param_dict):
    A helper function to make a graph

    ax : Axes
        The axes to draw to

    data1 : array
       The x data

    data2 : array
       The y data

    param_dict : dict
       Dictionary of kwargs to pass to ax.plot

    out : list
        list of artists added
    out = ax.plot(data1, data2, **param_dict)
    return out


x = np.linspace(0, 5, 20)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x2 = x**2
x3 = x**3
my_plotter(ax, x, x2, {'marker': 'o'})
my_plotter(ax, x, x3, {'marker': 'd'})


x = np.linspace(0, 5, 20)
x2 = x**2
x3 = x**3
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
my_plotter(ax1, x, x2, {'marker': 'x'})
my_plotter(ax2, x, x3, {'marker': 'o'})

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
my_plotter(ax[0], x, x2, {'marker': 'x'})
my_plotter(ax[1], x, x3, {'marker': 'o'})



Ref1: Usage Guide — Matplotlib 3.4.3 documentation






绘图  函数  风格  
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