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21 人参与  2022年12月24日 11:05  分类 : 《随便一记》  评论





图像融合论文及代码整理最全大合集参见:图像融合论文及代码整理最全大合集图像融合综述论文整理参见:图像融合综述论文整理图像融合评估指标参见:红外和可见光图像融合评估指标图像融合常用数据集整理参见:图像融合常用数据集整理通用图像融合框架论文及代码整理参见:通用图像融合框架论文及代码整理基于深度学习的红外和可见光图像融合论文及代码整理参见:基于深度学习的红外和可见光图像融合论文及代码整理更加详细的红外和可见光图像融合代码参见:红外和可见光图像融合论文及代码整理基于深度学习的多曝光图像融合论文及代码整理参见:基于深度学习的多曝光图像融合论文及代码整理基于深度学习的多聚焦图像融合论文及代码整理参见:基于深度学习的多聚焦图像融合(Multi-focus Image Fusion)论文及代码整理基于深度学习的全色图像锐化论文及代码整理参见:基于深度学习的全色图像锐化(Pansharpening)论文及代码整理基于深度学习的医学图像融合论文及代码整理参见:基于深度学习的医学图像融合(Medical image fusion)论文及代码整理彩色图像融合参见: 彩色图像融合DIVFusion:首个耦合互促低光增强&图像融合的框架参见:DIVFusion:首个耦合互促低光增强&图像融合的框架


最近Information Fusion 接收了一篇题为《Image fusion in the loop of high-level vision tasks: A semantic-aware real-time infrared and visible image fusion network》的文章。在此之前,图像融合领域一直徘徊在魔改网络,设计loss,引入新的范式等。但是却似乎忘记了一个一直被强调,但一直未被重视的点,即图像融合如何才能有效地促进高级视觉任务的性能提升?

接触图像融合已经两年左右了,从一个有一定研究基础的角度来学习这篇文章,可以发现文章的并没有在网络架构或者学习范式上进行很大的创新。但是却以一种新的视角来审视图像融合任务, 即利用高级视觉任务来驱动图像融合。

The overall framework of the proposed semantic-aware infrared and visible image fusion algorithm.



We bridge the gap between IR/VIS image fusion and high-level vision tasks. We propose a semantic-aware IR/VIS image fusion network, termed SeAFusion. We devise GRDB to boost the description ability for fine-grained detail. SeAFusion is a light-weight model that can achieve real-time image fusion. We evaluate various fusion methods from the perspective of high-level tasks.


We devise a novel semantic-aware infrared and visible image fusion framework, which effectively achieves superior performance in both image fusion and high-level vision tasks. A gradient residual dense block is designed to boost the description ability of the network for fine-grained detail and achieve feature reuse. The proposed SeAFusion is a light-weight model that can achieve real-time image fusion. This allows it to be deployed as a pre-processing module for high-level vision tasks. We propose a task-driven evaluation manner that evaluates the performance of image fusion from the perspective of high-level vision tasks.

总之,该方法首次提出考虑高级视觉任务与图像融合之前的鸿沟,并提出了一个语义感知的图像融合框架,同时考虑到作为一个预处理的操作对实时性的要求,在网络设计方面设计了一个轻量级的网络。而且为了增强网络对细粒度细节特征的描述,设计了一个Gradient Residual Dense Block(GRDB)。最后,考虑到现有的评估指标仅利用EN,MI,SF等统计指标来衡量图像融合的好坏。作者还提出了一种任务驱动的评估方式,即利用融合结果在高级视觉任务上的表现来衡量融合结果的质量。




The architecture of the real-time infrared and visible image fusion network based on gradient residual dense block.

在整体框架设计方面SeAFusion采用的是比较经典的双分支特征提取再Concat融合后 重建图像这样的框架,而在GRDB中利用梯度算子提取的特征作为残差连接能够强化网络对于细节特征的提取。

The specific devise of the gradient residual dense block. The Sobel operator is selected as the Gradient Operator to extract fine-grained detail information of feature maps.



内容损失: L c o n t e n t = L i n t + α L t e x t u r e \mathcal{L}_{content} = \mathcal{L}_{int} + \alpha \mathcal{L}_{texture} Lcontent​=Lint​+αLtexture​
强度损失: L i n t = 1 H W ∥ I f − max ⁡ ( I i r , I v i ) ∥ 1 \mathcal{L}_{int} = \frac{1}{HW}\left\|I_f - \max(I_{ir}, I_{vi})\right\|_1 Lint​=HW1​∥If​−max(Iir​,Ivi​)∥1​
纹理损失: L t e x t u r e = 1 H W ∥ ∣ ∇ I f ∣ − max ⁡ ( ∣ ∇ I i r ∣ , ∣ ∇ I v i ∣ ) ∥ 1 \mathcal{L}_{texture} = \frac{1}{HW}\left\| |\nabla I_f| - \max(|\nabla I_{ir}|, |\nabla I_{vi }|)\right\|_1 Ltexture​=HW1​∥∣∇If​∣−max(∣∇Iir​∣,∣∇Ivi​∣)∥1​



主语义损失: L m a i n = − 1 H × W ∑ h = 1 H ∑ w = 1 W ∑ c = 1 C L s o ( h , w , c ) log ⁡ ( I s ( h , w , c ) ) \mathcal{L}_{main} = \frac{-1}{H \times W} \sum_{h = 1}^{H}\sum_{w = 1}^{W} \sum_{c = 1}^{C} L_{so}^{(h, w, c)}\log(I_s^{(h, w, c)}) Lmain​=H×W−1​h=1∑H​w=1∑W​c=1∑C​Lso(h,w,c)​log(Is(h,w,c)​)
辅语义损失: L a u x = − 1 H × W ∑ h = 1 H ∑ w = 1 W ∑ c = 1 C L s o ( h , w , c ) log ⁡ ( I s a ( h , w , c ) ) \mathcal{L}_{aux} = \frac{-1}{H \times W} \sum_{h = 1}^{H}\sum_{w = 1}^{W} \sum_{c = 1}^{C} L_{so}^{(h, w, c)}\log(I_{sa}^{(h, w, c)}) Laux​=H×W−1​h=1∑H​w=1∑W​c=1∑C​Lso(h,w,c)​log(Isa(h,w,c)​)
语义损失: L s e m a n t i c = L m a i n + λ L a u x \mathcal{L}_{semantic} =\mathcal{L}_{main} + \lambda \mathcal{L}_{aux} Lsemantic​=Lmain​+λLaux​

L j o i n t = L c o n t e n t + β L s e m a n t i c \mathcal{L}_{joint} =\mathcal{L}_{content} + \beta \mathcal{L}_{semantic} Ljoint​=Lcontent​+βLsemantic​


由于图像融合的特殊性,无法利用融合结果预训练一个分割模型来指导融合网络的训练,为此作者借鉴生成对抗网络的训练方式提出了Joint low-level and high-level adaptive training strategy,该训练策略能够有效地维持low-level任务(图像融合)以及high-level视觉任务(语义分割)之间的性能平衡,即在保证高级视觉任务性能的同时不降低融合网络的性能。
Joint low-level and high-level adaptive training strategy
简而言之,通过交替训练融合网络以及分割网络,从而维持图像融合以及语义分割之间的性能,而避免像训练GAN时出现的模式坍塌(Model Collapse)。





Qualitative comparison of SeAFusion with 9 state-of-the-art methods on \emph{00537D} image from the MFNet dataset.
Qualitative comparison of SeAFusion with 9 state-of-the-art methods on \emph{01024N} image from the MFNet dataset.
Quantitative comparisons of the six metrics, \emph{i.e.}, EN, MI, VIF, SF, SD and , on  image pairs from the MFNet dataset. A point (, ) on the curve denotes that there are  percent of image pairs which have metric values no more than .


Qualitative comparison of SeAFusion with 9 state-of-the-art methods on \emph{FLIR_06832} from the RoadScene dataset.
Qualitative comparison of SeAFusion with 9 state-of-the-art methods on \emph{FLIR_08835} from the RoadScene dataset.

Quantitative comparisons of the six metrics, \emph{i.e.}, EN, MI, VIF, SF, SD and , on  image pairs from the TNO dataset. A point (, ) on the curve denotes that there are  percent of image pairs which have metric values no more than .


Visualized results of SeAFusion compared with 9 state-of-the-art algorithms on \emph{Kaptein$_$1123} from the TNO dataset.
Quantitative comparisons of the six metrics, \emph{i.e.}, EN, MI, VIF, SF, SD and , on  image pairs from the TNO dataset. A point (, ) on the curve denotes that there are  percent of image pairs which have metric values no more than .



Segmentation results for infrared, visible and fused images from the MFNet dataset. The segmentation models are re-trained on infrared, visible and fused image sets. Each two rows represent a scene, and from top to bottom is: \emph{00127D}, \emph{00504D} and \emph{01066N}.
Segmentation results for infrared, visible and fused images from the MFNet dataset. The segmentation model is Deeplabv3+, pre-trained on the Cityscapes dataset. Each two rows represent a scene, and from top to bottom is: \emph{00275D} and \emph{00119D}.



Object detection results for infrared, visible and fused images from the MFNet dataset. The YOLOv5 detector, pre-trained on the  Coco dataset is deployed to achieve object detection. Each two rows represent a scene, and from top to bottom is: \emph{00479D} and \emph{00689N}.
Table 2


Table 3


Visualized results of ablation studies and different training strategies.
Table 4
更多的实验设计以及实验分析,请参阅SeAFusion 原论文。





在SeAFusion发表之前,关于图像融合的研究一直在魔改网络,设计loss function, 调整学习范式中徘徊,SeAFusion给与了我们新的启发,即联系高级视觉任务来研究图像融合。尽管SeAFusion的方法设计还比较简单,但是这也给了我们更多的优化空间。此外之前感觉大家觉得红外和可见光图像融合都已经没啥可做的,主要是TNO数据集的数据集的局限性,导致不同方法都各有各的优势。但是随着一些新的数据集的发布,图像融合依旧任重而道远。


未配准图像融合 高级视觉任务驱动的图像融合 跨分辨率的图像融合 实时图像融合 极端条件下的图像融合(过曝或欠曝) 全面的评估准则

(百度云下载地址:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1CVRoUdiCydTQtnNcGIl5nQ 提取码:0223)
作者也对MFNet数据集进行了删选、增强 并发布了MSRS数据集, MSRS数据集地址:https://github.com/Linfeng-Tang/MSRS

MFNet project 地址:https://www.mi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/static/projects/mil_multispectral/

SeAFusion原论文: Tang, Linfeng, Jiteng Yuan, and Jiayi Ma. “Image fusion in the loop of high-level vision tasks: A semantic-aware real-time infrared and visible image fusion network.” Information Fusion 82 (2022): 28-42.

MFNet数据集:Ha, Q., Watanabe, K., Karasawa, T., Ushiku, Y., Harada, T., 2017. Mfnet: Towards real-time semantic segmentation for autonomous vehicles with multi-spectral scenes, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.5108–5115.

分割网络:Peng, C., Tian, T., Chen, C., Guo, X., Ma, J., 2021. Bilateral attention decoder: A lightweight decoder for real-time semantic segmentation. Neural Networks 137, 188–199.

如有疑问可联系:2458707789@qq.com; 备注 姓名+学校



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