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Author: OnceDay Date: 2024年2月23日


全系列文章可查看专栏: Linux实践记录_Once_day的博客-CSDN博客


proc(5) - Linux manual page (man7.org)

The /proc Filesystem — The Linux Kernel documentation


Linux中通过/proc/stat等文件计算Cpu使用率 - 苦涩的茶 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)

【linux】/proc/stat计算cpu使用率_linux /proc/stat-CSDN博客

ps vs top:CPU占用率统计的两种不同方式 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)


Linux使用C语言读取proc/stat数据1. 概述1.1 `/proc`与cpu运行状态1.2 `/proc/stat`文件介绍1.3 进程和线程`stat`文件介绍1.4 `/proc/pid/stat`和`/proc/pid/task/tid/stat`文件字段 2. 编码读取数据2.1 读取CPU使用状态2.2 iowait时间分析2.3 jiffies和HZ值获取2.4 nanosleep处理中断场景2.5 实现简易my-top功能2.6 my-top支持进程统计2.7 my-top支持线程统计

1. 概述
1.1 /proc与cpu运行状态



cpu  3357 0 4313 1362393 ...

这些数字分别代表了用户态的CPU时间(user time),用户态的带nice值的CPU时间(nice time),系统态的CPU时间(system time),空闲态的CPU时间(idle time),等等。通过计算这些值之间的差异,我们可以得到CPU的使用率。






1.2 /proc/stat文件介绍


ubuntu->~:$ cat /proc/stat cpu  5212303 98033 4412675 1366830682 2104350 0 230625 0 0 0cpu0 1349225 24355 1108662 341657078 565455 0 78071 0 0 0cpu1 1275002 26606 1107325 341728080 546113 0 58402 0 0 0cpu2 1312912 22750 1113665 341672358 474698 0 48507 0 0 0cpu3 1275163 24321 1083022 341773164 518083 0 45644 0 0 0intr 2748394551 0 13 0 0 24 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1481 0 3430680 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43389078 0 10126249 9959286 8616424 10047657 ......ctxt 4858953613btime 1705245476processes 14935187procs_running 1procs_blocked 0softirq 713548476 1 152241528 7 72799169 44852747 0 372533 234911393 28936 208342162


user从系统启动开始累积到当前时刻,处于用户态的运行时间,不包括 nice 值为负进程。
nice从系统启动开始累积到当前时刻,nice 值为负的进程所占用的CPU时间。






1.3 进程和线程stat文件介绍









1.4 /proc/pid/stat/proc/pid/task/tid/stat文件字段

字段具体信息可以参考内核代码fs/proc/array.c,可以在proc(5) - Linux manual page (man7.org)文档直接查看。




2. 编码读取数据
2.1 读取CPU使用状态


#include <unistd.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdbool.h>#include <stdint.h>#include <string.h>#include <errno.h>/* cpu使用率核心数据信息结构体定义 */struct my_cpu {    uint64_t user;       /* 用户态CPU时间 */    uint64_t nice;       /* 低优先级用户态CPU时间 */    uint64_t system;     /* 内核态CPU时间 */    uint64_t idle;       /* 空闲CPU时间 */    uint64_t iowait;     /* 等待I/O操作CPU时间 */    uint64_t irq;        /* 硬中断CPU时间 */    uint64_t softirq;    /* 软中断CPU时间 */    uint64_t steal;      /* 虚拟机CPU时间 */    uint64_t guest;      /* 虚拟机低优先级CPU时间 */    uint64_t guest_nice; /* 虚拟机低优先级用户态CPU时间 */};#define MY_CPU_FSCANF_ARGS     11#define MY_CPU_FSCANF_BUF_SIZE 16#define MY_CPU_FSCANF(fp, buf, cpu)                                                        \    fscanf(fp, "%16s %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu", buf, &((cpu)->user),        \        &((cpu)->nice), &((cpu)->system), &((cpu)->idle), &((cpu)->iowait), &((cpu)->irq), \        &((cpu)->softirq), &((cpu)->steal), &((cpu)->guest), &((cpu)->guest_nice))/* 格式化打印my cpu中所有字段的数据 */static void my_cpu_dump_data(struct my_cpu *cpu_info){    printf(        "CPU user: %lu, nice: %lu, system: %lu, idle: %lu, iowait: %lu, irq: %lu, softirq: %lu, "        "steal: %lu, guest: %lu, guest_nice: %lu.\n",        cpu_info->user, cpu_info->nice, cpu_info->system, cpu_info->idle, cpu_info->iowait,        cpu_info->irq, cpu_info->softirq, cpu_info->steal, cpu_info->guest, cpu_info->guest_nice);    return;}/** * 获取指定CPU核的使用率, 通过读取/proc/stat文件数据实现. * 对于/proc/stat文件的具体解释, 可参考Linux kernel代码: fs/proc/stat.c. * 不同版本的Linux内核, /proc/stat文件的格式可能会有所不同(有问题请分析源码). */bool get_cpu_usage(void){    FILE         *fp;    struct my_cpu cpu_info;    char          buf[MY_CPU_FSCANF_BUF_SIZE + 1];    /* 打开全局cpu状态信息虚拟文件 */    fp = fopen("/proc/stat", "r");    if (fp == NULL) {        printf("Open /proc/stat file error, %s(%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);        return false;    }    /* 读取cpu数据 */    if (MY_CPU_FSCANF(fp, buf, &cpu_info) != MY_CPU_FSCANF_ARGS) {        goto error;    }    my_cpu_dump_data(&cpu_info);error:    fclose(fp);    return true;}int main(void){    return get_cpu_usage();}


代码中定义了一个名为struct my_cpu的结构体,用于存储CPU的各项数据,如用户态CPU时间、内核态CPU时间、空闲CPU时间等。




ubuntu->cs-test:$ ./read-stat CPU user: 5277601, nice: 98034, system: 4424430, idle: 1367840657, iowait: 2106431, irq: 0, softirq: 231362, steal: 0, guest: 0, guest_nice: 0.ubuntu->cs-test:$ ./read-stat CPU user: 5277602, nice: 98034, system: 4424432, idle: 1367840946, iowait: 2106431, irq: 0, softirq: 231362, steal: 0, guest: 0, guest_nice: 0.


2.2 iowait时间分析







CPU 本身不会等待 I/O 操作完成;iowait 实际上是指任务在等待 I/O 完成时所花费的时间。当一个 CPU 进入空闲状态,等待任务的 I/O 操作时,另一个任务会被调度到该 CPU 上执行。在多核 CPU 上,等待 I/O 完成的任务并不会在任何 CPU 上运行,因此计算每个 CPU 的 iowait 时间是困难的。该字段的值在某些情况下可能会减少。

iowait 时间的统计对于分析系统性能和瓶颈非常有用,尤其是在 I/O 密集型的应用场景中。高 iowait 值可能表明系统正在经历 I/O 瓶颈,需要进一步的调查和优化。

2.3 jiffies和HZ值获取

在Linux操作系统中,jiffies是一个内核维护的全局变量,用来记录自系统启动以来的滴答数(tick count),这是一个持续增长的计数器。滴答是操作系统的基本时间单位,每个滴答代表了操作系统时钟中断的一次触发。时钟中断是操作系统时间管理的基础,它允许操作系统进行任务调度,如进程切换和资源管理等。



查看HZ值:在某些Linux系统中,可以直接查看内核配置文件来确定HZ值,例如 /boot/config-$(uname -r) 文件。使用以下命令:

ubuntu->cs-test:$ cat /boot/config-$(uname -r) | grep CONFIG_HZ# CONFIG_HZ_PERIODIC is not set# CONFIG_HZ_100 is not setCONFIG_HZ_250=y# CONFIG_HZ_300 is not set# CONFIG_HZ_1000 is not setCONFIG_HZ=250



时间长度(秒)= 1 / HZ






//...(省略2.1中的代码)...int main(void){    int64_t hz;    hz = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);    printf("HZ value is: %ld\n", hz);    get_cpu_usage();    sleep(1);    get_cpu_usage();    return 0;}


ubuntu->cs-test:$ gcc -o read-stat read-stat.c ubuntu->cs-test:$ ./read-stat HZ value is: 100CPU user: 5296072, nice: 98034, system: 4431347, idle: 1368556746, iowait: 2110570, irq: 0, softirq: 231715, steal: 0, guest: 0, guest_nice: 0.CPU user: 5296072, nice: 98034, system: 4431348, idle: 1368557143, iowait: 2110570, irq: 0, softirq: 231715, steal: 0, guest: 0, guest_nice: 0.

sysconf获取的jiffies频率是100Hz,实际间隔1s,系统增加耗时也是(idle相减)400 jiffies,这里需要注意,cpu统计的是全部核的数据,因此需要除以4(四个核),那就是100 jiffies,说明sysconf读取的数据没有问题

2.4 nanosleep处理中断场景

在Linux系统中,nanosleep 允许进程以纳秒为单位暂停执行。如果在调用 nanosleep 期间,进程接收到了信号,那么 nanosleep 会被中断,函数会返回 -1,并将 errno 设置为 EINTR。如果提供了 timespec 结构体的指针作为 nanosleep 的第二个参数 rem,那么该结构体会被填充剩余的睡眠时间。

例如,如果你的程序中有如下的 nanosleep 调用:

struct timespec req, rem;req.tv_sec = 0;req.tv_nsec = 1000000000; // 1秒int ret = nanosleep(&req, &rem);

如果在这一秒内,进程接收到了一个信号,nanosleep 会被中断,ret 将会是 -1,errno 将会是 EINTR,而 rem 结构体将包含剩余的睡眠时间。

在实际编程中,可以通过循环调用 nanosleep 并检查返回值来处理这种情况,例如:

int ret;do {    ret = nanosleep(&req, &rem);} while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR);

这样,如果 nanosleep 被信号中断,循环会继续,直到它成功执行了指定的睡眠时间。

2.5 实现简易my-top功能


#include <unistd.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdbool.h>#include <stdint.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <errno.h>#include <time.h>/* cpu使用率核心数据信息结构体定义 */struct my_cpu {    uint64_t user;       /* 用户态CPU时间 */    uint64_t nice;       /* 低优先级用户态CPU时间 */    uint64_t system;     /* 内核态CPU时间 */    uint64_t idle;       /* 空闲CPU时间 */    uint64_t iowait;     /* 等待I/O操作CPU时间 */    uint64_t irq;        /* 硬中断CPU时间 */    uint64_t softirq;    /* 软中断CPU时间 */    uint64_t steal;      /* 虚拟机CPU时间 */    uint64_t guest;      /* 虚拟机低优先级CPU时间 */    uint64_t guest_nice; /* 虚拟机低优先级用户态CPU时间 */};/* 可以处理中断的sleep函数, 睡眠指定时间长度(ms) */static void my_msleep(int ms){    struct timespec ts;    int32_t         ret;    ts.tv_sec  = ms / 1000;    ts.tv_nsec = (ms % 1000) * 1000000;    do {        ret = nanosleep(&ts, &ts);    } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR);    return;}#define MY_CPU_FSCANF_ARGS     11#define MY_CPU_FSCANF_BUF_SIZE 16#define MY_CPU_FSCANF(fp, buf, cpu)                                                        \    fscanf(fp, "%16s %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu", buf, &((cpu)->user),        \        &((cpu)->nice), &((cpu)->system), &((cpu)->idle), &((cpu)->iowait), &((cpu)->irq), \        &((cpu)->softirq), &((cpu)->steal), &((cpu)->guest), &((cpu)->guest_nice))/* 计算cpu使用率, iowait也算在空闲cpu时间里面 */#define MY_CPU_TOTAL(cpu)                                                                   \    ((cpu)->user + (cpu)->nice + (cpu)->system + (cpu)->idle + (cpu)->iowait + (cpu)->irq + \        (cpu)->softirq + (cpu)->steal + (cpu)->guest + (cpu)->guest_nice)#define MY_CPU_IDLE(cpu)  ((cpu)->idle + (cpu)->iowait)#define MY_CPU_USAGE(cpu) (MY_CPU_TOTAL(cpu) - MY_CPU_IDLE(cpu))#define MY_CPU_NUM      4                /* 4核cpu */#define MY_CPU_DATA_NUM (MY_CPU_NUM + 1) /* cpu数据个数 *//* 处理两次采集的cpu使用数据, 然后以合适的格式打印出去 */static void my_cpu_deal_data(struct my_cpu *cpu_info, struct my_cpu *cpu_info_old){    int32_t  i, len;    uint64_t diff_total[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM], diff_idle[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM], diff_usage[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM];    char     buffer[1024];    for (i = 0; i < MY_CPU_DATA_NUM; i++) {        diff_total[i] = MY_CPU_TOTAL(&cpu_info[i]) - MY_CPU_TOTAL(&cpu_info_old[i]);        diff_idle[i]  = MY_CPU_IDLE(&cpu_info[i]) - MY_CPU_IDLE(&cpu_info_old[i]);        diff_usage[i] = diff_total[i] - diff_idle[i];    }    len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),        "CPU total: %lu, idle: %lu, usage: %lu, %.2f%%: ", diff_total[0], diff_idle[0],        diff_usage[0], (double)diff_usage[0] * 100 / diff_total[0]);    for (i = 1; i < MY_CPU_DATA_NUM; i++) {        len += snprintf(buffer + len, sizeof(buffer) - len, "core%d %.2f%%, ", (i - 1),            (double)diff_usage[i] * 100 / diff_total[i]);    }    printf("%s\n", buffer);    return;}/** * 获取指定CPU核的使用率, 通过读取/proc/stat文件数据实现. * 对于/proc/stat文件的具体解释, 可参考Linux kernel代码: fs/proc/stat.c. * 不同版本的Linux内核, /proc/stat文件的格式可能会有所不同(有问题请分析源码). */bool get_cpu_usage(uint32_t interval_ms){    FILE         *fp;    int32_t       ret, i;    struct my_cpu cpu_info[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM], cpu_info_old[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM];    char          buf[MY_CPU_FSCANF_BUF_SIZE + 1];    /* 打开全局cpu状态信息虚拟文件 */    fp = fopen("/proc/stat", "r");    if (fp == NULL) {        printf("Open /proc/stat file error, %s(%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);        return false;    }    /* 先读取一次原始数据, 然后后续连续间隔指定时间获取数据, 并实时输出使用率 */    for (i = 0; i < MY_CPU_DATA_NUM; i++) {        if (MY_CPU_FSCANF(fp, buf, &cpu_info_old[i]) != MY_CPU_FSCANF_ARGS) {            goto error;        }    }    /* 循环读取cpu使用情况, 并且打印数据 */    do {        /* 移动fp文件指针到文件起始处, 刷新文件缓冲, 持续读取数据 */        fflush(fp);        if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {            printf("Seek /proc/stat file error, %s(%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);            goto error;        }        my_msleep(interval_ms);        /* 循环读取所有核的cpu数据 */        for (i = 0; i < MY_CPU_DATA_NUM; i++) {            if (MY_CPU_FSCANF(fp, buf, &cpu_info[i]) != MY_CPU_FSCANF_ARGS) {                goto error;            }        }        my_cpu_deal_data(cpu_info, cpu_info_old);        memcpy(cpu_info_old, cpu_info, sizeof(cpu_info_old));    } while (1);error:    fclose(fp);    return true;}/* 给定间隔时间 */int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    uint32_t interval_ms;    if (argc != 2) {        printf("Usage: %s <interval_ms>\n", argv[0]);        return -1;    }    interval_ms = atoi(argv[1]);    get_cpu_usage(interval_ms);    return 0;}














ubuntu->cs-test:$ gcc -o my-top my-top.c ubuntu->cs-test:$ ./my-top Usage: ./my-top <interval_ms>ubuntu->cs-test:$ ./my-top 1000CPU total: 399, idle: 390, usage: 9, 2.26%: core0 5.00%, core1 0.00%, core2 2.00%, core3 2.00%, CPU total: 398, idle: 397, usage: 1, 0.25%: core0 1.00%, core1 0.00%, core2 0.00%, core3 1.00%, CPU total: 398, idle: 397, usage: 1, 0.25%: core0 0.00%, core1 0.99%, core2 0.00%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 398, idle: 393, usage: 5, 1.26%: core0 4.00%, core1 0.00%, core2 1.00%, core3 1.00%, CPU total: 398, idle: 395, usage: 3, 0.75%: core0 0.00%, core1 1.00%, core2 1.00%, core3 1.98%, CPU total: 397, idle: 396, usage: 1, 0.25%: core0 0.00%, core1 0.00%, core2 1.00%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 404, idle: 287, usage: 117, 28.96%: core0 10.00%, core1 15.69%, core2 74.00%, core3 16.00%, CPU total: 401, idle: 293, usage: 108, 26.93%: core0 5.77%, core1 1.01%, core2 100.00%, core3 2.97%, CPU total: 400, idle: 295, usage: 105, 26.25%: core0 1.98%, core1 2.97%, core2 100.00%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 402, idle: 295, usage: 107, 26.62%: core0 1.02%, core1 1.98%, core2 100.00%, core3 1.01%, CPU total: 399, idle: 297, usage: 102, 25.56%: core0 0.00%, core1 1.00%, core2 100.00%, core3 0.99%, CPU total: 399, idle: 298, usage: 101, 25.31%: core0 0.00%, core1 1.98%, core2 100.00%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 401, idle: 295, usage: 106, 26.43%: core0 3.92%, core1 0.00%, core2 100.00%, core3 1.01%, CPU total: 401, idle: 294, usage: 107, 26.68%: core0 2.97%, core1 1.01%, core2 100.00%, core3 3.96%, CPU total: 399, idle: 295, usage: 104, 26.07%: core0 1.01%, core1 1.98%, core2 100.00%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 400, idle: 376, usage: 24, 6.00%: core0 1.00%, core1 0.00%, core2 22.00%, core3 1.01%, CPU total: 397, idle: 394, usage: 3, 0.76%: core0 1.00%, core1 0.00%, core2 1.01%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 399, idle: 396, usage: 3, 0.75%: core0 0.00%, core1 1.00%, core2 2.00%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 398, idle: 397, usage: 1, 0.25%: core0 1.00%, core1 0.00%, core2 0.00%, core3 0.00%, 



ubuntu->cs-test:$ ./my-top 100CPU total: 40, idle: 40, usage: 0, 0.00%: core0 0.00%, core1 0.00%, core2 0.00%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 40, idle: 40, usage: 0, 0.00%: core0 0.00%, core1 0.00%, core2 0.00%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 39, idle: 39, usage: 0, 0.00%: core0 0.00%, core1 9.09%, core2 0.00%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 41, idle: 40, usage: 1, 2.44%: core0 0.00%, core1 0.00%, core2 0.00%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 42, idle: 39, usage: 3, 7.14%: core0 0.00%, core1 10.00%, core2 9.09%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 39, idle: 39, usage: 0, 0.00%: core0 0.00%, core1 10.00%, core2 0.00%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 39, idle: 39, usage: 0, 0.00%: core0 0.00%, core1 0.00%, core2 0.00%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 40, idle: 40, usage: 0, 0.00%: core0 9.09%, core1 0.00%, core2 0.00%, core3 0.00%, CPU total: 41, idle: 40, usage: 1, 2.44%: core0 0.00%, core1 0.00%, core2 9.09%, core3 0.00%, 


2.6 my-top支持进程统计


#include <unistd.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdbool.h>#include <stdint.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <errno.h>#include <time.h>#include <dirent.h>#include <ctype.h>/* cpu使用率核心数据信息结构体定义 */struct my_cpu {    uint64_t user;       /* 用户态CPU时间 */    uint64_t nice;       /* 低优先级用户态CPU时间 */    uint64_t system;     /* 内核态CPU时间 */    uint64_t idle;       /* 空闲CPU时间 */    uint64_t iowait;     /* 等待I/O操作CPU时间 */    uint64_t irq;        /* 硬中断CPU时间 */    uint64_t softirq;    /* 软中断CPU时间 */    uint64_t steal;      /* 虚拟机CPU时间 */    uint64_t guest;      /* 虚拟机低优先级CPU时间 */    uint64_t guest_nice; /* 虚拟机低优先级用户态CPU时间 */};/* 可以处理中断的sleep函数, 睡眠指定时间长度(ms) */static void my_msleep(int ms){    struct timespec ts;    int32_t         ret;    ts.tv_sec  = ms / 1000;    ts.tv_nsec = (ms % 1000) * 1000000;    do {        ret = nanosleep(&ts, &ts);    } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR);    return;}#define MY_CPU_FSCANF_ARGS     11#define MY_CPU_FSCANF_BUF_SIZE 16#define MY_CPU_FSCANF(fp, buf, cpu)                                                        \    fscanf(fp, "%16s %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu", buf, &((cpu)->user),        \        &((cpu)->nice), &((cpu)->system), &((cpu)->idle), &((cpu)->iowait), &((cpu)->irq), \        &((cpu)->softirq), &((cpu)->steal), &((cpu)->guest), &((cpu)->guest_nice))/* 计算cpu使用率, iowait也算在空闲cpu时间里面 */#define MY_CPU_TOTAL(cpu)                                                                   \    ((cpu)->user + (cpu)->nice + (cpu)->system + (cpu)->idle + (cpu)->iowait + (cpu)->irq + \        (cpu)->softirq + (cpu)->steal + (cpu)->guest + (cpu)->guest_nice)#define MY_CPU_IDLE(cpu)  ((cpu)->idle + (cpu)->iowait)#define MY_CPU_USAGE(cpu) (MY_CPU_TOTAL(cpu) - MY_CPU_IDLE(cpu))#define MY_CPU_NUM      4                /* 4核cpu */#define MY_CPU_DATA_NUM (MY_CPU_NUM + 1) /* cpu数据个数 *//* 处理两次采集的cpu使用数据, 然后以合适的格式打印出去 */static int32_t my_cpu_deal_data(struct my_cpu *cpu_info, struct my_cpu *cpu_info_old){    int32_t  i, len;    uint64_t diff_total[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM], diff_idle[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM], diff_usage[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM];    char     buffer[1024];    for (i = 0; i < MY_CPU_DATA_NUM; i++) {        diff_total[i] = MY_CPU_TOTAL(&cpu_info[i]) - MY_CPU_TOTAL(&cpu_info_old[i]);        diff_idle[i]  = MY_CPU_IDLE(&cpu_info[i]) - MY_CPU_IDLE(&cpu_info_old[i]);        diff_usage[i] = diff_total[i] - diff_idle[i];    }    len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),        "CPU total: %lu, idle: %lu, usage: %lu, %.2f%%: ", diff_total[0], diff_idle[0],        diff_usage[0], (double)diff_usage[0] * 100 * 4 / diff_total[0]);    for (i = 1; i < MY_CPU_DATA_NUM; i++) {        len += snprintf(buffer + len, sizeof(buffer) - len, "core%d %.2f%%, ", (i - 1),            (double)diff_usage[i] * 100 / diff_total[i]);    }    printf("%s\n", buffer);    return diff_total[0];}/* 定义进程信息, 组成链表的格式 */struct my_process {    struct my_process *next;        /* 下一个进程 */    int32_t            pid;         /* 进程ID */    int32_t            processor;   /* 进程运行的CPU核心 */    char               comm[64];    /* 进程名 */    uint64_t           utime;       /* 用户态CPU时间 */    uint64_t           stime;       /* 内核态CPU时间 */    int64_t            cutime;      /* 死亡子进程/线程用户态CPU时间 */    int64_t            cstime;      /* 死亡子进程/线程内核态CPU时间 */    uint64_t           guest_time;  /* 虚拟机用户态CPU时间 */    int64_t            cguest_time; /* 虚拟机低优先级用户态CPU时间 */};#define MY_PROCESS_TOTAL(cpu) ((cpu)->utime + (cpu)->stime + (cpu)->guest_time)/* 打印my_process数据 */static void my_process_dump_data(struct my_process *process_info){    printf(        "PID: %d, comm: %s, processor: %d, utime: %lu, stime: %lu, cutime: %ld, cstime: %ld, "        "guest_time: %lu, cguest_time: %ld.\n",        process_info->pid, process_info->comm, process_info->processor, process_info->utime,        process_info->stime, process_info->cutime, process_info->cstime, process_info->guest_time,        process_info->cguest_time);    return;}#define MY_PROCESS_CHUNK_NUM 256 /* 最小内存分配单位 *//* 一次收集一大块内存, 后续再慢慢释放 */static struct my_process *my_process_alloc_chunk(int32_t count){    int32_t            i;    struct my_process *chunk;    /* 分配内存 */    chunk = (struct my_process *)malloc(count * sizeof(struct my_process));    if (chunk == NULL) {        printf("Failed to allocate memory for process chunk.\n");        return NULL;    }    /* 初始化内存 */    memset(chunk, 0, count * sizeof(struct my_process));    /* 挂载内存为链表 */    for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {        chunk[i].next = &(chunk[i + 1]);    }    return chunk;}/* 空闲my process对象链表 */static struct my_process *free_list = NULL;/* 获取一个空闲的my process对象 */static struct my_process *my_process_alloc(void){    struct my_process *process;    /* 如果free_list为NULL, 则收集一大块内存 */    if (free_list == NULL) {        free_list = my_process_alloc_chunk(MY_PROCESS_CHUNK_NUM);        if (free_list == NULL) {            return NULL;        }    }    /* 返回一个空闲的my process对象 */    process       = free_list;    free_list     = free_list->next;    process->next = NULL;    return process;}/* 回收一个空闲的my process对象到空闲链表中 */static void my_process_free(struct my_process *process){    memset(process, 0, sizeof(struct my_process));    process->next = free_list;    free_list     = process;    return;}/** * 读取/proc/pid/stat数据: *  pid: 第一个字段, 进程ID, int32_t类型 *  comm: 第二个字段, 进程名, char[16]类型 *  utime: 第14个字段, 用户态CPU时间, uint64_t类型 *  stime: 第15个字段, 内核态CPU时间, uint64_t类型 *  cutime: 第16个字段, 死亡子进程/线程用户态CPU时间, int64_t类型 *  cstime: 第17个字段, 死亡子进程/线程内核态CPU时间, int64_t类型 *  processor: 第39个字段, 进程运行的CPU核心, int64_t类型 *  guest_time: 第42个字段, 虚拟机用户态CPU时间, uint64_t类型 *  cguest_time: 第43个字段, 虚拟机低优先级用户态CPU时间, int64_t类型 * 显示pid, comm, cpu占比, 运行cpu信息 */bool get_pid_stat(struct my_process *my_process, const char *dir_name){    int32_t ret;    FILE   *fp;    char   *data[52];    char    path[256], comm[64], data_buf[1024];    /* 打开进程状态信息虚拟文件 */    snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/proc/%s/stat", dir_name);    fp = fopen(path, "r");    if (fp == NULL) {        printf("Open /proc/%s/stat file error, %s(%d)\n", dir_name, strerror(errno), errno);        return false;    }    /* 一次读入全部数据 */    ret = fread(data_buf, 1, sizeof(data_buf) - 1, fp);    if (ret <= 0) {        printf("Read /proc/%s/stat file error, %s(%d)\n", dir_name, strerror(errno), errno);        goto error;    }    data_buf[ret] = '\0';    /* 通过' '分割字符串, 选出目标数据 */    data[0] = strtok(data_buf, " ");    for (ret = 1; ret < 52; ret++) {        data[ret] = strtok(NULL, " ");    }    /* 保存数据 */    my_process->pid         = atoi(data[0]);    my_process->processor   = atoi(data[38]);    my_process->utime       = strtoull(data[13], NULL, 10);    my_process->stime       = strtoull(data[14], NULL, 10);    my_process->cutime      = strtoll(data[15], NULL, 10);    my_process->cstime      = strtoll(data[16], NULL, 10);    my_process->guest_time  = strtoull(data[41], NULL, 10);    my_process->cguest_time = strtoll(data[42], NULL, 10);    strncpy(my_process->comm, data[1], sizeof(my_process->comm));    my_process->comm[sizeof(my_process->comm) - 1] = '\0';error:    fclose(fp);    return true;}/* 判断一个目录名是否是纯数字 */static bool is_pid_directory(const char *dir_name){    while (*dir_name) {        if (!isdigit(*dir_name)) {            return false;        }        dir_name++;    }    return true;}/* 遍历所有/proc下面的进程目录, 输出进程信息 */struct my_process *get_all_pid_stat(void){    uint64_t           pid, count;    DIR               *proc_dir;    struct dirent     *entry;    struct my_process *process, *process_list;    /* 读取/proc内核信息虚拟目录信息 */    proc_dir = opendir("/proc");    if (proc_dir == NULL) {        printf("Failed to open /proc directory, %s(%d).\n", strerror(errno), errno);        return NULL;    }    /* 遍历整个/proc目录, 找到进程子目录, 逐个判断是否为目标进程 */    count        = 0;    process_list = NULL;    while ((entry = readdir(proc_dir)) != NULL) {        if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR && is_pid_directory(entry->d_name)) {            /* 获取my process对象 */            process = my_process_alloc();            if (process == NULL) {                printf("Failed to allocate memory for process.\n");                break;            }            /* 获取进程数据, 并写入数据到process中 */            get_pid_stat(process, entry->d_name);            if (process_list == NULL) {                process_list = process;            } else {                /* 目录按照从小到大顺序读入, 插入顺序刚好是反的 */                process->next = process_list;                process_list  = process;            }            count++;        }    }    closedir(proc_dir);    /* printf("Total %lu process(es) found.\n", count); */    return process_list;}/* 处理之后的进程cpu使用间隔数据 */struct my_process_data {    struct my_process      *my_process;    struct my_process      *my_process_old;    struct my_process_data *next;    uint64_t                diff_utime;    uint64_t                diff_stime;    uint64_t                diff_time;    int32_t                 core;    int32_t                 pid;    const char             *comm;};/* 处理所有进程数据, 按照cpu占用率, 输出前20个进程信息 */static void my_process_deal_data(    struct my_process *my_process, struct my_process *my_process_old, int32_t total_cpu){    int32_t                 i, count;    struct my_process_data *sort_data, *data, *prev;    count     = 0;    sort_data = NULL;    /* 计算进程消耗cpu时间 */    while (my_process_old && my_process) {        if (my_process_old->pid == my_process->pid) {            data = (struct my_process_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct my_process_data));            if (data == NULL) {                printf("Failed to allocate memory for process data.\n");                return;            }            data->diff_utime     = my_process->utime - my_process_old->utime;            data->diff_stime     = my_process->stime - my_process_old->stime;            data->diff_time      = MY_PROCESS_TOTAL(my_process) - MY_PROCESS_TOTAL(my_process_old);            data->core           = my_process->processor;            data->pid            = my_process->pid;            data->comm           = my_process->comm;            data->my_process     = my_process;            data->my_process_old = my_process_old;            data->next           = NULL;            /* 插入为排序数据 */            if (sort_data == NULL) {                sort_data = data;            } else if (sort_data->diff_time < data->diff_time) {                data->next = sort_data;                sort_data  = data;            } else {                prev = sort_data;                while (prev->next && prev->next->diff_time > data->diff_time) {                    prev = prev->next;                }                data->next = prev->next;                prev->next = data;            }            /* 进行下一轮遍历处理 */            my_process     = my_process->next;            my_process_old = my_process_old->next;            count++;            continue;        }        /* 进程ID不匹配, 释放内存(从大到小排序) */        if (my_process_old->pid > my_process->pid) {            my_process_old = my_process_old->next;        } else {            /* 保留process, 用于下一轮数据对比 */            my_process = my_process->next;        }    }    /* 打印进程信息, 如果进程消耗cpu资源未统计到(0), 则pass, 不进行输出 */    while (sort_data) {        if (sort_data->diff_time != 0) {            printf("  %s[%d], core: %d, user: %3lu, sys: %3lu, total: %.2f%%.\n", sort_data->comm,                sort_data->pid, sort_data->core, sort_data->diff_utime, sort_data->diff_stime,                (double)(sort_data->diff_time) * 100 * MY_CPU_NUM / total_cpu);        }        prev      = sort_data;        sort_data = sort_data->next;        free(prev);    }    printf("  Total %d process(es) matched.\n", count);    return;}/** * 获取指定CPU核的使用率, 通过读取/proc/stat文件数据实现. * 对于/proc/stat文件的具体解释, 可参考Linux kernel代码: fs/proc/stat.c. * 不同版本的Linux内核, /proc/stat文件的格式可能会有所不同(有问题请分析源码). */bool get_cpu_usage(uint32_t interval_ms){    FILE              *fp;    int32_t            ret, i, total_cpu;    struct my_cpu      cpu_info[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM], cpu_info_old[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM];    char               buf[MY_CPU_FSCANF_BUF_SIZE + 1];    struct my_process *my_process, *my_process_old, *temp_process;    /* 打开全局cpu状态信息虚拟文件 */    fp = fopen("/proc/stat", "r");    if (fp == NULL) {        printf("Open /proc/stat file error, %s(%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);        return false;    }    /* 先读取一次原始数据, 然后后续连续间隔指定时间获取数据, 并实时输出使用率 */    for (i = 0; i < MY_CPU_DATA_NUM; i++) {        if (MY_CPU_FSCANF(fp, buf, &cpu_info_old[i]) != MY_CPU_FSCANF_ARGS) {            goto error;        }    }    /* 读取进程数据 */    my_process_old = get_all_pid_stat();    if (my_process_old == NULL) {        goto error;    }    /* 循环读取cpu使用情况, 并且打印数据 */    do {        /* 移动fp文件指针到文件起始处, 刷新文件缓冲, 持续读取数据 */        fflush(fp);        if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {            printf("Seek /proc/stat file error, %s(%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);            goto error;        }        /* 等待一段时间 */        my_msleep(interval_ms);        /* 读取进程cpu使用数据 */        my_process = get_all_pid_stat();        if (my_process == NULL) {            goto error;        }        /* 循环读取所有核的cpu数据 */        for (i = 0; i < MY_CPU_DATA_NUM; i++) {            if (MY_CPU_FSCANF(fp, buf, &cpu_info[i]) != MY_CPU_FSCANF_ARGS) {                goto error;            }        }        /* 处理数据, 打印信息 */        total_cpu = my_cpu_deal_data(cpu_info, cpu_info_old);        my_process_deal_data(my_process, my_process_old, total_cpu);        /* 释放my_process_old数据 */        while (my_process_old) {            temp_process   = my_process_old;            my_process_old = my_process_old->next;            my_process_free(temp_process);        }        my_process_old = my_process;        memcpy(cpu_info_old, cpu_info, sizeof(cpu_info_old));    } while (1);error:    fclose(fp);    return false;}/* 给定间隔时间 */int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    uint32_t interval_ms;    if (argc != 2) {        printf("Usage: %s <interval_ms>\n", argv[0]);        return -1;    }    interval_ms = atoi(argv[1]);    get_cpu_usage(interval_ms);    return 0;}










ubuntu->cs-test:$ gcc -g -o my-top-plus my-top-plus.cubuntu->cs-test:$ ./my-top-plus 2000CPU total: 799, idle: 789, usage: 10, 5.01%: core0 0.51%, core1 1.49%, core2 0.50%, core3 1.50%,   (YDService)[1720], core: 1, user:   2, sys:   1, total: 1.50%.  (barad_agent)[1367234], core: 0, user:   0, sys:   2, total: 1.00%.  (barad_agent)[1367233], core: 0, user:   1, sys:   0, total: 0.50%.  (code-903b1e9d89)[2569313], core: 1, user:   1, sys:   0, total: 0.50%.  Total 142 process(es) matched.CPU total: 799, idle: 794, usage: 5, 2.50%: core0 0.50%, core1 1.01%, core2 1.00%, core3 0.50%,   (YDService)[1720], core: 1, user:   1, sys:   1, total: 1.00%.  (rcu_sched)[13], core: 1, user:   0, sys:   1, total: 0.50%.  (node)[2569442], core: 0, user:   0, sys:   1, total: 0.50%.  (barad_agent)[1367234], core: 0, user:   0, sys:   1, total: 0.50%.  Total 142 process(es) matched.CPU total: 799, idle: 795, usage: 4, 2.00%: core0 1.00%, core1 0.50%, core2 0.00%, core3 0.50%,   (barad_agent)[1367234], core: 0, user:   1, sys:   1, total: 1.00%.  (YDService)[1720], core: 1, user:   0, sys:   2, total: 1.00%.  Total 142 process(es) matched.CPU total: 797, idle: 792, usage: 5, 2.51%: core0 0.50%, core1 0.50%, core2 0.51%, core3 0.50%,   (YDService)[1720], core: 1, user:   2, sys:   1, total: 1.51%.  (node)[2569417], core: 2, user:   1, sys:   0, total: 0.50%.  (barad_agent)[1367234], core: 0, user:   1, sys:   0, total: 0.50%.  Total 142 process(es) matched.......
2.7 my-top支持线程统计


#include <unistd.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdbool.h>#include <stdint.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <errno.h>#include <time.h>#include <dirent.h>#include <ctype.h>/* cpu使用率核心数据信息结构体定义 */struct my_cpu {    uint64_t user;       /* 用户态CPU时间 */    uint64_t nice;       /* 低优先级用户态CPU时间 */    uint64_t system;     /* 内核态CPU时间 */    uint64_t idle;       /* 空闲CPU时间 */    uint64_t iowait;     /* 等待I/O操作CPU时间 */    uint64_t irq;        /* 硬中断CPU时间 */    uint64_t softirq;    /* 软中断CPU时间 */    uint64_t steal;      /* 虚拟机CPU时间 */    uint64_t guest;      /* 虚拟机低优先级CPU时间 */    uint64_t guest_nice; /* 虚拟机低优先级用户态CPU时间 */};/* 可以处理中断的sleep函数, 睡眠指定时间长度(ms) */static void my_msleep(int ms){    struct timespec ts;    int32_t         ret;    ts.tv_sec  = ms / 1000;    ts.tv_nsec = (ms % 1000) * 1000000;    do {        ret = nanosleep(&ts, &ts);    } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR);    return;}#define MY_CPU_FSCANF_ARGS     11#define MY_CPU_FSCANF_BUF_SIZE 16#define MY_CPU_FSCANF(fp, buf, cpu)                                                        \    fscanf(fp, "%16s %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu", buf, &((cpu)->user),        \        &((cpu)->nice), &((cpu)->system), &((cpu)->idle), &((cpu)->iowait), &((cpu)->irq), \        &((cpu)->softirq), &((cpu)->steal), &((cpu)->guest), &((cpu)->guest_nice))/* 计算cpu使用率, iowait也算在空闲cpu时间里面 */#define MY_CPU_TOTAL(cpu)                                                                   \    ((cpu)->user + (cpu)->nice + (cpu)->system + (cpu)->idle + (cpu)->iowait + (cpu)->irq + \        (cpu)->softirq + (cpu)->steal + (cpu)->guest + (cpu)->guest_nice)#define MY_CPU_IDLE(cpu)  ((cpu)->idle + (cpu)->iowait)#define MY_CPU_USAGE(cpu) (MY_CPU_TOTAL(cpu) - MY_CPU_IDLE(cpu))#define MY_CPU_NUM      4                /* 4核cpu */#define MY_CPU_DATA_NUM (MY_CPU_NUM + 1) /* cpu数据个数 *//* 处理两次采集的cpu使用数据, 然后以合适的格式打印出去 */static int32_t my_cpu_deal_data(struct my_cpu *cpu_info, struct my_cpu *cpu_info_old){    int32_t  i, len;    uint64_t diff_total[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM], diff_idle[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM], diff_usage[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM];    char     buffer[1024];    for (i = 0; i < MY_CPU_DATA_NUM; i++) {        diff_total[i] = MY_CPU_TOTAL(&cpu_info[i]) - MY_CPU_TOTAL(&cpu_info_old[i]);        diff_idle[i]  = MY_CPU_IDLE(&cpu_info[i]) - MY_CPU_IDLE(&cpu_info_old[i]);        diff_usage[i] = diff_total[i] - diff_idle[i];    }    len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),        "CPU total: %lu, idle: %lu, usage: %lu, %.2f%%: ", diff_total[0], diff_idle[0],        diff_usage[0], (double)diff_usage[0] * 100 * 4 / diff_total[0]);    for (i = 1; i < MY_CPU_DATA_NUM; i++) {        len += snprintf(buffer + len, sizeof(buffer) - len, "core%d %.2f%%, ", (i - 1),            (double)diff_usage[i] * 100 / diff_total[i]);    }    printf("%s\n", buffer);    return diff_total[0];}/* 定义进程信息, 组成链表的格式 */struct my_process {    struct my_process *next;        /* 下一个进程 */    struct my_process *lwp;         /* 进程的线程 */    int32_t            pid;         /* 进程ID */    int32_t            processor;   /* 进程运行的CPU核心 */    char               comm[64];    /* 进程名 */    uint64_t           utime;       /* 用户态CPU时间 */    uint64_t           stime;       /* 内核态CPU时间 */    int64_t            cutime;      /* 死亡子进程/线程用户态CPU时间 */    int64_t            cstime;      /* 死亡子进程/线程内核态CPU时间 */    uint64_t           guest_time;  /* 虚拟机用户态CPU时间 */    int64_t            cguest_time; /* 虚拟机低优先级用户态CPU时间 */};#define MY_PROCESS_TOTAL(cpu) ((cpu)->utime + (cpu)->stime + (cpu)->guest_time)/* 打印my_process数据 */static void my_process_dump_data(struct my_process *process_info){    printf(        "PID: %d, comm: %s, processor: %d, utime: %lu, stime: %lu, cutime: %ld, cstime: %ld, "        "guest_time: %lu, cguest_time: %ld.\n",        process_info->pid, process_info->comm, process_info->processor, process_info->utime,        process_info->stime, process_info->cutime, process_info->cstime, process_info->guest_time,        process_info->cguest_time);    return;}#define MY_PROCESS_CHUNK_NUM 256 /* 最小内存分配单位 *//* 一次收集一大块内存, 后续再慢慢释放 */static struct my_process *my_process_alloc_chunk(int32_t count){    int32_t            i;    struct my_process *chunk;    /* 分配内存 */    chunk = (struct my_process *)malloc(count * sizeof(struct my_process));    if (chunk == NULL) {        printf("Failed to allocate memory for process chunk.\n");        return NULL;    }    /* 初始化内存 */    memset(chunk, 0, count * sizeof(struct my_process));    /* 挂载内存为链表 */    for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {        chunk[i].next = &(chunk[i + 1]);    }    return chunk;}/* 空闲my process对象链表 */static struct my_process *free_list = NULL;/* 获取一个空闲的my process对象 */static struct my_process *my_process_alloc(void){    struct my_process *process;    /* 如果free_list为NULL, 则收集一大块内存 */    if (free_list == NULL) {        free_list = my_process_alloc_chunk(MY_PROCESS_CHUNK_NUM);        if (free_list == NULL) {            return NULL;        }    }    /* 返回一个空闲的my process对象 */    process       = free_list;    free_list     = free_list->next;    process->next = NULL;    process->lwp  = NULL;    return process;}/* 回收一个空闲的my process对象到空闲链表中 */static void my_process_free(struct my_process *process){    memset(process, 0, sizeof(struct my_process));    process->next = free_list;    free_list     = process;    return;}/** * 读取/proc/pid/stat数据: *  pid: 第一个字段, 进程ID, int32_t类型 *  comm: 第二个字段, 进程名, char[16]类型 *  utime: 第14个字段, 用户态CPU时间, uint64_t类型 *  stime: 第15个字段, 内核态CPU时间, uint64_t类型 *  cutime: 第16个字段, 死亡子进程/线程用户态CPU时间, int64_t类型 *  cstime: 第17个字段, 死亡子进程/线程内核态CPU时间, int64_t类型 *  processor: 第39个字段, 进程运行的CPU核心, int64_t类型 *  guest_time: 第42个字段, 虚拟机用户态CPU时间, uint64_t类型 *  cguest_time: 第43个字段, 虚拟机低优先级用户态CPU时间, int64_t类型 * 显示pid, comm, cpu占比, 运行cpu信息 */bool get_pid_stat(struct my_process *my_process, const char *dir_name){    int32_t ret;    FILE   *fp;    char   *data[52];    char    comm[64], data_buf[1024];    /* 打开进程状态信息虚拟文件 */    fp = fopen(dir_name, "r");    if (fp == NULL) {        printf("Open %s file error, %s(%d)\n", dir_name, strerror(errno), errno);        return false;    }    /* 一次读入全部数据 */    ret = fread(data_buf, 1, sizeof(data_buf) - 1, fp);    if (ret <= 0) {        printf("Read %s file error, %s(%d)\n", dir_name, strerror(errno), errno);        goto error;    }    data_buf[ret] = '\0';    /* 通过' '分割字符串, 选出目标数据 */    data[0] = strtok(data_buf, " ");    for (ret = 1; ret < 52; ret++) {        data[ret] = strtok(NULL, " ");    }    /* 保存数据 */    my_process->pid         = atoi(data[0]);    my_process->processor   = atoi(data[38]);    my_process->utime       = strtoull(data[13], NULL, 10);    my_process->stime       = strtoull(data[14], NULL, 10);    my_process->cutime      = strtoll(data[15], NULL, 10);    my_process->cstime      = strtoll(data[16], NULL, 10);    my_process->guest_time  = strtoull(data[41], NULL, 10);    my_process->cguest_time = strtoll(data[42], NULL, 10);    strncpy(my_process->comm, data[1], sizeof(my_process->comm));    my_process->comm[sizeof(my_process->comm) - 1] = '\0';error:    fclose(fp);    return true;}/* 判断一个目录名是否是纯数字 */static bool is_pid_directory(const char *dir_name){    while (*dir_name) {        if (!isdigit(*dir_name)) {            return false;        }        dir_name++;    }    return true;}/* 遍历所有/proc下面的进程目录, 输出进程信息 */struct my_process *get_all_pid_stat(bool is_thread, const char *prefix_dir){    uint64_t           pid, count;    DIR               *proc_dir;    struct dirent     *entry;    struct my_process *process, *process_list;    char               path[512];    /* 读取/proc内核信息虚拟目录信息 */    proc_dir = opendir(prefix_dir);    if (proc_dir == NULL) {        printf("Failed to open %s directory, %s(%d).\n", prefix_dir, strerror(errno), errno);        return NULL;    }    /* 遍历整个目录, 找到进程(线程)子目录, 逐个判断是否为目标进程(线程) */    count        = 0;    process_list = NULL;    while ((entry = readdir(proc_dir)) != NULL) {        if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR && is_pid_directory(entry->d_name)) {            /* 获取my process对象 */            process = my_process_alloc();            if (process == NULL) {                printf("Failed to allocate memory for process.\n");                break;            }            /* 获取进程数据, 并写入数据到process中 */            snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/stat", prefix_dir, entry->d_name);            get_pid_stat(process, path);            /* 如果不是线程读取数据, 那么再读取一次线程数据 */            if (!is_thread) {                snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/proc/%s/task", entry->d_name);                process->lwp = get_all_pid_stat(true, path);            }            if (process_list == NULL) {                process_list = process;            } else {                /* 目录按照从小到大顺序读入, 插入顺序刚好是反的 */                process->next = process_list;                process_list  = process;            }            count++;        }    }    closedir(proc_dir);    /* printf("Total %lu process(es) found.\n", count); */    return process_list;}/* 处理之后的进程cpu使用间隔数据 */struct my_process_data {    struct my_process      *my_process;    struct my_process      *my_process_old;    struct my_process_data *next;    struct my_process_data *lwp;    uint64_t                diff_utime;    uint64_t                diff_stime;    uint64_t                diff_time;    int32_t                 core;    int32_t                 pid;    const char             *comm;};/* 处理所有进程数据, 按照cpu占用率, 输出前20个进程信息 */static struct my_process_data *my_process_deal_data(    struct my_process *my_process, struct my_process *my_process_old, bool is_thread){    int32_t                 count;    struct my_process_data *sort_data, *data, *prev;    count     = 0;    sort_data = NULL;    /* 计算进程消耗cpu时间 */    while (my_process_old && my_process) {        if (my_process_old->pid == my_process->pid) {            data = (struct my_process_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct my_process_data));            if (data == NULL) {                printf("Failed to allocate memory for process data.\n");                return NULL;            }            data->diff_utime     = my_process->utime - my_process_old->utime;            data->diff_stime     = my_process->stime - my_process_old->stime;            data->diff_time      = MY_PROCESS_TOTAL(my_process) - MY_PROCESS_TOTAL(my_process_old);            data->core           = my_process->processor;            data->pid            = my_process->pid;            data->comm           = my_process->comm;            data->my_process     = my_process;            data->my_process_old = my_process_old;            data->next           = NULL;            /* 插入为排序数据 */            if (sort_data == NULL) {                sort_data = data;            } else if (sort_data->diff_time < data->diff_time) {                data->next = sort_data;                sort_data  = data;            } else {                prev = sort_data;                while (prev->next && prev->next->diff_time > data->diff_time) {                    prev = prev->next;                }                data->next = prev->next;                prev->next = data;            }            /* 处理子线程的数据 */            if (!is_thread) {                data->lwp = my_process_deal_data(my_process->lwp, my_process_old->lwp, true);            }            /* 进行下一轮遍历处理 */            my_process     = my_process->next;            my_process_old = my_process_old->next;            count++;            continue;        }        /* 进程ID不匹配, 释放内存(从大到小排序) */        if (my_process_old->pid > my_process->pid) {            my_process_old = my_process_old->next;        } else {            /* 保留process, 用于下一轮数据对比 */            my_process = my_process->next;        }    }    if (!is_thread) {        printf("  Total %d process(es) matched.\n", count);    }    return sort_data;}/* 打印进程和线程cpu使用数据 */static void my_process_dump_all_data(struct my_process_data *sort_data, int32_t total_cpu){    struct my_process_data *prev, *lwp;    /* 打印进程信息, 如果进程消耗cpu资源未统计到(0), 则pass, 不进行输出 */    while (sort_data) {        if (sort_data->diff_time != 0) {            printf("  %s[%d], core: %d, user: %3lu, sys: %3lu, total: %.2f%%.\n", sort_data->comm,                sort_data->pid, sort_data->core, sort_data->diff_utime, sort_data->diff_stime,                (double)(sort_data->diff_time) * 100 * MY_CPU_NUM / total_cpu);            lwp = sort_data->lwp;            while (lwp) {                if (lwp->diff_time != 0) {                    printf("    %s[%d], core: %d, user: %3lu, sys: %3lu, total: %.2f%%.\n",                        lwp->comm, lwp->pid, lwp->core, lwp->diff_utime, lwp->diff_stime,                        (double)(lwp->diff_time) * 100 * MY_CPU_NUM / total_cpu);                }                prev = lwp;                lwp  = lwp->next;                free(prev);            }        }        prev      = sort_data;        sort_data = sort_data->next;        free(prev);    }    printf("\n");    return;}/** * 获取指定CPU核的使用率, 通过读取/proc/stat文件数据实现. * 对于/proc/stat文件的具体解释, 可参考Linux kernel代码: fs/proc/stat.c. * 不同版本的Linux内核, /proc/stat文件的格式可能会有所不同(有问题请分析源码). */bool get_cpu_usage(uint32_t interval_ms){    FILE                   *fp;    int32_t                 ret, i, total_cpu;    struct my_cpu           cpu_info[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM], cpu_info_old[MY_CPU_DATA_NUM];    char                    buf[MY_CPU_FSCANF_BUF_SIZE + 1];    struct my_process      *my_process, *my_process_old, *temp_process, *temp_lwp;    struct my_process_data *sort_data;    /* 打开全局cpu状态信息虚拟文件 */    fp = fopen("/proc/stat", "r");    if (fp == NULL) {        printf("Open /proc/stat file error, %s(%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);        return false;    }    /* 先读取一次原始数据, 然后后续连续间隔指定时间获取数据, 并实时输出使用率 */    for (i = 0; i < MY_CPU_DATA_NUM; i++) {        if (MY_CPU_FSCANF(fp, buf, &cpu_info_old[i]) != MY_CPU_FSCANF_ARGS) {            goto error;        }    }    /* 读取进程数据 */    my_process_old = get_all_pid_stat(false, "/proc");    if (my_process_old == NULL) {        goto error;    }    /* 循环读取cpu使用情况, 并且打印数据 */    do {        /* 移动fp文件指针到文件起始处, 刷新文件缓冲, 持续读取数据 */        fflush(fp);        if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {            printf("Seek /proc/stat file error, %s(%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);            goto error;        }        /* 等待一段时间 */        my_msleep(interval_ms);        /* 读取进程cpu使用数据 */        my_process = get_all_pid_stat(false, "/proc");        if (my_process == NULL) {            goto error;        }        /* 循环读取所有核的cpu数据 */        for (i = 0; i < MY_CPU_DATA_NUM; i++) {            if (MY_CPU_FSCANF(fp, buf, &cpu_info[i]) != MY_CPU_FSCANF_ARGS) {                goto error;            }        }        /* 处理数据, 打印信息 */        total_cpu = my_cpu_deal_data(cpu_info, cpu_info_old);        sort_data = my_process_deal_data(my_process, my_process_old, false);        my_process_dump_all_data(sort_data, total_cpu);        /* 释放my_process_old数据 */        while (my_process_old) {            temp_lwp = my_process_old->lwp;            while (temp_lwp) {                temp_process = temp_lwp;                temp_lwp     = temp_lwp->next;                my_process_free(temp_process);            }            temp_process   = my_process_old;            my_process_old = my_process_old->next;            my_process_free(temp_process);        }        my_process_old = my_process;        memcpy(cpu_info_old, cpu_info, sizeof(cpu_info_old));    } while (1);error:    fclose(fp);    return false;}/* 给定间隔时间 */int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    uint32_t interval_ms;    if (argc != 2) {        printf("Usage: %s <interval_ms>\n", argv[0]);        return -1;    }    interval_ms = atoi(argv[1]);    get_cpu_usage(interval_ms);    return 0;}









ubuntu->cs-test:$ gcc -g -o my-top-plus my-top-plus.cubuntu->cs-test:$ ./my-top-plus 1000CPU total: 403, idle: 399, usage: 4, 3.97%: core0 0.99%, core1 1.94%, core2 1.00%, core3 0.00%,   Total 142 process(es) matched.  (my-top-plus)[2694157], core: 2, user:   0, sys:   1, total: 0.99%.    (my-top-plus)[2694157], core: 2, user:   0, sys:   1, total: 0.99%.  (YDService)[1720], core: 2, user:   1, sys:   0, total: 0.99%.    (YDService)[1766], core: 2, user:   1, sys:   0, total: 0.99%.    (YDService)[1722], core: 2, user:   0, sys:   1, total: 0.99%.    (YDService)[1748], core: 3, user:   0, sys:   1, total: 0.99%.  (cpptools)[2569482], core: 3, user:   1, sys:   0, total: 0.99%.CPU total: 401, idle: 394, usage: 7, 6.98%: core0 0.99%, core1 2.00%, core2 3.92%, core3 1.01%,   Total 142 process(es) matched.  (barad_agent)[1367234], core: 0, user:   1, sys:   1, total: 2.00%.    (barad_agent)[1367268], core: 3, user:   1, sys:   0, total: 1.00%.  (YDService)[1720], core: 2, user:   1, sys:   1, total: 2.00%.  (node)[2569417], core: 2, user:   1, sys:   0, total: 1.00%.  (code-903b1e9d89)[2569313], core: 1, user:   0, sys:   1, total: 1.00%.CPU total: 401, idle: 398, usage: 3, 2.99%: core0 0.00%, core1 1.98%, core2 0.00%, core3 0.00%,   Total 142 process(es) matched.  (barad_agent)[1367234], core: 0, user:   1, sys:   0, total: 1.00%.  (YDService)[1720], core: 2, user:   0, sys:   1, total: 1.00%.    (YDService)[1790], core: 3, user:   0, sys:   1, total: 1.00%.    (YDService)[1766], core: 2, user:   0, sys:   1, total: 1.00%.






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