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【成功解决!】Linux时间同步ntp安装报错Could not retrieve mirrorlist解决方案

18 人参与  2024年10月18日 18:41  分类 : 《我的小黑屋》  评论


今天安装ntp时遇到报错,错误信息显示,yum无法从 http://mirrorlist.centos.org/ 获取镜像列表,报错如下:

[root@node1 network-scripts]#  yum -y install ntp已加载插件:fastestmirror, langpacksLoading mirror speeds from cached hostfileCould not retrieve mirrorlist http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=7&arch=x86_64&repo=os&infra=stock error was14: curl#6 - "Could not resolve host: mirrorlist.centos.org; 未知的错误" One of the configured repositories failed (未知), and yum doesn't have enough cached data to continue. At this point the only safe thing yum can do is fail. There are a few ways to work "fix" this:     1. Contact the upstream for the repository and get them to fix the problem.     2. Reconfigure the baseurl/etc. for the repository, to point to a working        upstream. This is most often useful if you are using a newer        distribution release than is supported by the repository (and the        packages for the previous distribution release still work).     3. Run the command with the repository temporarily disabled            yum --disablerepo=<repoid> ...     4. Disable the repository permanently, so yum won't use it by default. Yum        will then just ignore the repository until you permanently enable it        again or use --enablerepo for temporary usage:            yum-config-manager --disable <repoid>        or            subscription-manager repos --disable=<repoid>     5. Configure the failing repository to be skipped, if it is unavailable.        Note that yum will try to contact the repo. when it runs most commands,        so will have to try and fail each time (and thus. yum will be be much        slower). If it is a very temporary problem though, this is often a nice        compromise:            yum-config-manager --save --setopt=<repoid>.skip_if_unavailable=trueCannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base/7/x86_64


替换 CentOS 镜像源

1.备份原始配置文件:在进行任何更改之前,最好备份原始的 .repo 文件。

cp /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.backup

2.编辑配置文件:打开 CentOS-Base.repo 文件,如图。

vim /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo


        3.1注释掉 mirrorlist:在每个 [base][updates][extras][centosplus] 部分,使用 # 在行首添加注释,以禁用自动选择镜像源的功能。

        3.2取消注释 baseurl:找到每个部分中被注释掉的 baseurl 行,并取消注释。或者直接加一行

        3.3指定镜像源:将 baseurl 中的 http://mirror.centos.org/ 替换为您选择的镜像源的 URL。






5.清除 yum 缓存:清除 yum 缓存以确保使用新的镜像源。

sudo yum clean all


yum install -y ntp




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